Brc0106's picture
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Just starting

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randys52's picture

Looking forward to seeing progress, great genetic start man!

Brc0106's picture

THANK you ! will be posting more in a few months hopefully with alot of progress

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SuperMax's picture

At 6" & 260lb & judging by your pic, your body fat is up in the 20's. I hope you have a good Ai & plenty of fish. High body fat leads to estrogen prone problems.

Brc0106's picture

yea your probably right ive never really taken my diet serious until now

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SuperMax's picture

It's all good man. Just stick to fish, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, boiled chicken brest & some clean oats. You will shred down fast.

iheartyou's picture

Nice build. Can't wait to see the progress pics ;) +1

Brc0106's picture

thank you yea will post more in a couple months .....hopefully with alot more progress

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Darktide's picture

Just starting and very thick chest, arms and shoulders, well done! You going ton have to hit those legs hard so you don't tip over Smile +1

Brc0106's picture

THANKS for all the great advice ....and putting up with all my newbie questions

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