drrockzo's picture
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Mass cycle from american-kodiak


This is all the bottles before I started em. I am about half way through right now. I know most people have been saying these guys are awesome and I dunno if I got an underdosed batch or something but it didnt seem as strong as other suppliers I've had. Not trying to bash or anything, because I know others have got good stuff from them.

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MAC's picture

Good info here.... What levelup said about dirty bulking, do it! You can eat like total shit on tren, man I eat McDonalds, pizza, wings, all junk food and I still have 6 pack abs, vascular as hell and looking shredded. Tren bro, it's a miracle Compound (if there ever was one) And I completely agree with mega, if E2 is fucked up you will not gain, instead you will get soft and pudgy, and your strength will decline too, high estro is so messed up. Very low E2 can be bad too so watch that; I take 12.5mg aromasin EOD, I actually just recently saved myself from high estro I got cocky and took a lot less Arom then I should've been and my estro shot up. I'm good now, and let me tell u, I look better, feel better, stronger, etc. you'd be surprised how shitty high estro can make you look/feel. Good luck brother

gatorbits's picture

"said about dirty bulking, do it! You can eat like total shit on tren, man I eat McDonalds, pizza, wings, all junk food and I still have 6 pack abs, vascular as hell and looking shredded. Tren bro, it's a miracle Compound (if there ever was one"

you make Tren sound nice here!

kinda want them abs , but it's a no no for me;( !
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MegaT883's picture

You know Dr running 875mg of Test and 750mg of tren both short and long your E2 may be elevated and out of wack and you may not even know it. Seen it happen to a couple of guys. Made gains out the box and then gains stop so they thought the gear was bad. They got bloods after this was pointed out and sure enough in all of them E2 was out of wack. Once they got it straight and in check the gains came back. You might want to get get bloods just to be sure either way. In one case the guy wasn't using an AI in the other his AI was bunk. Just something to think about.

gatorbits's picture

I agree something is wrong in the setup te oils are not underdosed AK is the fire and pip free real deal! I grew on two mL per week for 14weeks test E and test propionate kick and taper for a total of 16 weeks=20lbs

, month off now , gained weight after and throughout pct , diet at 5000cals Everyday: pro/carbs/fat % are 35/40/25%

So if rethink why your shooting all that and hit a wall?!?

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gatorbits's picture

Your on several strong compounds I am surprised to hear this!VERY SURPRISED> I AM LOYAL FAN FOR SURE FOR AK

keep us posted, up you calories..if your not gaining no matter the juice its all ways the answer up the calories...if your doing 6000 and it not enough do 6600!

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levelup's picture

"As cleanly as I can"...you are eating too clean if I had to guess, try adding in more red meat, peanut butter, avocados steel cut oats, really calorie dense food...With the tren your body will utilize everything. Trust me, I fell victim to the eating too clean to start my cycle, switched it up and have put on 8-9 lbs in the past 2 weeks with. .5% drop in bf

MAC's picture

What were your stats when you started the cycle? What are your stats now? What doses are u running?

MegaT883's picture

I think it's Tren E Test E, Tren A and Test Prop if I remember right.