BFG's picture
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new voting


Your votes (and source's score/rank) are separated chronologically. Eroids will now show you who received most and best votes in the last month, last six months, and last 12 months.

This effectively gives us a new outlook.

  • Trending scoreboard is a representation of votes placed for a source in the last month.
    Use this to see who is rising and upcoming. It also shows you who is consistently being pumped with best and most votes on monthly basis

  • Stable represents a collection of votes received in the last 6 months.
    This is the default display. It's what I feel most accurately represents current state, with a pool of votes big enough to vouch for source's stability.

  • Stale scoreboard represents votes up to 12 months old.
    This table might not realistically represent current public opinion, e.g. source's support or quality went down (or up) in the last months, but they're still resting on their laurels, due to many old (stale) votes.

You know you have a winner when you find a source in all three categories.
It means the source has done well over a period of 12 months (stale), is getting consistent support by users (trending), and have proven themselves worthy of your attention in the near past (stable).

IMPORTANT: Votes older than 6 months are NOT INCLUDED in the ranking algorithm!

BFG's picture

you don't ...yet.
For now, only stable 6 month old votes are shown.

Unc1e Ric0's picture

Good stuff bro.

cmo25cent's picture

Great idea!!

NeoMeds's picture

New stuff is always good.

BFG's picture

thanks, wrong caching settings... fixed now!

haez91's picture

I can dig it

Mars's picture

Big thank you!

Cjplay's picture

I like this much better. But "stale" how bout something more reassuring like... Solid

Squatrack2's picture

well done sir

Mechyboy's picture


BFG's picture

I would think it would take an average source at least 6 months

At least 5 of the current top 10 - including yourself, took less than 6 months to get there.

tug-of-war with new votes/old votes

How efficient you are at getting votes in is entirely up to you and not something I or members should worry about.

With this update, old sources can't feed off of their 6 months and in many cases 2 years or more old votes.

Pmob's picture

Dammmm your fast ! Must have some good Sh** !!!

In a promo × 1
Pmob's picture

Brother I see it both ways. I see where you are coming from however there are many sources on here not in the top 10 that we order from. From the looks of it i don't think your going to have a problem ! Keep putting out that fire gear !!

In a promo × 1
RickRock1086's picture

Great update. Always felt like it was a bit unfair.
New sources used to get among the top sources within a few votes/reviews.

alain_305mia's picture

You deserve this bro. + 1000 Smile

P's picture

Wow, innovative and great update.

Pepwarehouse's picture

Good idea Wizard!

Neo-istheone's picture

great idea!!! thank you..

Makwa's picture

EROIDS is getting better all the time!

Drywallstar's picture


Pmob's picture

Sweet !

In a promo × 1
gatorbits's picture


Owes a Review × 1
Wrath's picture

Nice update!

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