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+ 3 Updated LAB results... ESTRO DROPPED YAY!!! Purchase-Peptides is LEGIT!!


So a week ago I posted these labs results...

This week my estro dropped 500ng in a week, but so did my test. It is definitely still high but at least by next week it should be where its supposed to be. I found from my first labs that my aromasin was bunk from ChemOneResearch, and switched to 50mg (split dose-25mg in the morning after gym and 25mg before bed) of aromasin a day from Purchase Peptides. The Purchase Peptides Armoasin is def legit..

I also changed the sources of my Test prop from Roxi Labs at 30mg a day to Shops-Mart Test prop 20mg a day as well as my tren a dosage of 100mg a day to 80mg a day, the sides were getting a little to unbearable. 80mg I found is my sweet spot. I'm thinking for the rest of the cycle Ill use 75mg of tren a and 25 mg of test prop, a good ratio. One more lab test next Monday will conclude which is best for me in the future. The range of test is what I was looking for to begin with, but it is still a little lower than expected.

A couple of questions for you smart guys: Do I continue the 50mg daily usage of aromasin or drop down to 25 mg a day till next lab test, which will be Monday?

Any and all recommendations please....

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oversteerisbest's picture

Good work man. That level from last week was scary: I could almost hear you grabbing a box of tissues and chocolates for a lifetime movie marathon! Glad to see its coming under control.

j223's picture

Just get arimidex and save yourself the headache!!! Aromasin is too "touchy" too much and you get creaky joints and too little and you get bloating.

Aromasin is just a weird drug lol too difficult to dose perfectly.

Carlos Danger's picture

With all due respect I think he should listen to the guys he did last time as his test results speak for themselves. I think I did alright lining him out.
What u think Infidel?

In a promo × 1
fast48's picture

He was on adex. Gs and i strongly urged a suicide inhibitor Aromasin because his estro was 800. Aromasin doen not have estro rebound. It kills the estro. Ive been on aromasin for my 25 week test/eq run at 12.5 Ed and not once did i have joint pain. Just imagine the estro rebound from an 800! Thats why he did it correctly. One week he dropped 500points. Adex wont do that

fast48's picture

EDIT: ESTRO STILL 298? 25/day for a week. Watch for loe estro signs

fast48's picture

Very true! Had to edit....driving n though he said it was fully down. Thats still amazing from last test til now. Scarey too!

fast48's picture

And hug Irish.....he just doesn't want you to die bro. On different screen google aromasin side effects.

fast48's picture

I dont remember 50. I remember 25. But Live n learn.

dak979's picture

Over 25mg/day of Exemestane is overkill for what you are running.. imo

MAC's picture

I'd drop to 25 per day till Monday, then you'll have a good idea at what rate it's dropping and if u need to increase or decrease from there. Eventually you'll only need 12.5 daily, maybe even less idk. Told u that PP aromasin was good shit lol