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+ 2 Long Term Low Dose Deca


It seems there are large number of us who experience discomfort while lifting. Whether due to lifting itself or past sports injuries, it's no secret that Deca can greatly reduce or all together temporarily eliminate joint related discomfort. Question long can low dose Deca be administered before you risk long term side effects? This post is only investigating low dose Deca at less than 200mg/wk.

Nandrolone is very similar to testosterone in structure, but it does not possess a carbon atom at the 19th position. The structure we are left with, is a steroid that exhibits much weaker androgenic properties than testosterone. Nandrolone does not break down to a more potent metabolite in androgen target tissues, which is a big problem with Test. However, nandrolone does go through reduction through the same enzyme that produces DHT from testosterone, which gives us dihydronandrolone. This metabolite is weaker than before, and has less unwanted androgenic side effects. Side effects include: oily skin, acne, hair growth and hair loss occur very rarely. It is possible for Nandrolone to produce unwanted androgenic side effects but this is normally found in higher doses

Nandrolone decanoate is released from the injection site into the blood with a half-life of 6 days. Deca can be used to increase lean body mass, treat decrease in Red Blood Cells due to Kidney Failure, Sickle Cell Anemia, A Hereditary Progressive Anemia of Unknown Cause, but more importantly for the sake of this forum is it's ability to increase bone mass and stimulate the formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow. Deca has also been shown to be beneficial to the immune system, which was noted in HIV studies. Hopefully we have all heard the warnings of taking the proper substances to prevent prolactin buildup that is more commonly seen with Deca i.e. caber. It is generally thought that this is less of a necessity in the lower doses of less than 200mg/wk, but better to have it on hand just in case. One would also want to consider taking some form of prostate support supplement i.e. saw palmetto, as deca can cause prostate enlargement.

Now that we have established the background and history of Deca, lets dive into the long term low dosage protocol. In the medical world, Deca is administered to males at the dosage of 200mg per 1-3 wks depending on the situation and patient. This dosage is continued for 12 wks and discontinued for 4 wks, allowing time for it to clear the system and let the body reset. In the medical world, it is said this process of cycling can be continued while managing/preventing sides. Obviously we know that the world of medicine will often play things a bit safer than is absolutely neccesary, but there have not been any studies I have read that extend use before cycling off at more than 16 wks. However, this could be different as each individual finds there sweet spot with dosage in order to reach the desired effect of joint discomfort relief.

So for those of you who insist on administering low dose Deca year round, you may find it both equally beneficial to your joints and your overall health to simply cycle off for 4 weeks and then continue your normal regimen. It may be necessary, due to the need of build up in the body for Deca to really start working, to do a small kicker of low dose NPP to transition back into your Deca regimen.

MedDx's picture


HllwdBdBoy's picture

you need to be cautious, I am just finishing up rehabbing my RC and came completely OFF to do so. Nandro is awesome buy it only masks the issue.
I.E. Just because you can push it doesn't mean you should

MAC's picture

As long as you have a prolactin ancillary product such as Cabergoline or Pramipexole, you should be fine. Arnold and the old BB'ers ran deca year 'round back then lol. Deca is a great compound and at such a low maintenance dose like that, along with a little caber every week you should have no problems. The thing is, are you doing it because u have injuries from lifting? and if so, that is because you lifted too heavy i assume. Because if u think you can take deca and continue lifting overly heavy weights, thats gonna mess you up just because deca will mask the joint pain and discomfort but underneath that you are putting your joints through extreme stress.If you have injuries from the past, well it is what it is and jumping on deca is cool if your doing so to even be able to lift any weight. My advice to everyone is stop lifting super heavy! it didnt use to be like that, back in the day they trained super sets and high reps now its all about how much weight you can throw up which imo is stupid, you get better workouts from lifting medium weights high reps/sets than u do lifting 400lbs 6 reps lol. Good luck brother let us know how it goes with the deca

MAC's picture

Ya .5 per wk maybe .25 since ur at such a low dose. Tbh u may not even need the caber, take B6 @300- 400mg per day and you should be fine. Keep caber on hand for sure tho, because the B6 will do fine at least for a few months and then u may need to add a minute amount of caber per wk. B6 does wonders with prolactin for an OTC fix. But ya if u have a nerve problem try taking B12 5000 mcg sublingual tabs ED as well that helps ur nervous system and there is also ginkgo balboa and magnesium/potassium for nervous and muscle health. But your doctor will have more info on that than I do. Deca won't fix a nerve problem but it will help with the joints which I believe a disc has somewhat to do with?

MAC's picture

Accepted. Accidentally gave u +1 when I tried hittin reply, so ya lol

mhman's picture

Guilty. I too use to think incorporating a little DECA in my cycles helped my joints, and it did, but it also made me think I was 25 years old again when pressing mad weight wasent a concern. Learned not to overreach my limits.

MAC's picture

I hear ya man! Everyone does it but its good u learned from it