stackman's picture
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Winter Cycle


I'm 27, 6'4", 190 lbs, body fat 10%. Goal weight 210 lbs.

WeekTest EEquipoiseanastrozoleNolvadexClomid
Colossus_fit's picture

You are tall as me bro,we have a lot of difficult to grow.Many guys here, can not imagine the difficulties that we have to grow. Our levers are long, also some exercises we can't do with safety. our weaknesses are back and knees.but not enough ,if we want to become the giants, we need more calories and gears. (of course, the hard work is implied) . Speaking about cycle bro, Eq running at least for 14-16weeks, raise the dose of testosterone (600 or 700mg/week), use a ai as Aromasin (12.5mg ed as a small dose and see how it works)or arimidex 0.5 mg ed, and add hcg during all cyle,250ius every 3-4 days (this is important with long cycles, so you will keep the size / function of the testes and so when you'll start the pCT ,it will work in the best way (and you will keep better results)

stackman's picture

I hear you there bro. I do have disc problems in my back that have affected me in the past. I really was hoping to only run what I have posted. I know everyone thinks more is better but, the recovery is tough on longer cycles I've noticed with me. I also read of a lot of people having great results on 10, and 12 week cycles. If I'm doing good on it I may keep it running. What do you think of me shooting the eq a week early? I'm also considering front loading 1000mg the first week. I have hcg on hand. I have used it in the past, but did not notice the effects over a 5 week period so I discontinued use. It could have added it to late in my cycle as well. So maybe I can try it again. I have 4-5000iu bottles. Have you ever noticed any side effects from hcg? As for the adex I have around 60-1mg "capsules" how do you break that down? 1 capsule every 3 days or what? I haven't needed in the past. Would you throw it in anyway? Thanks for the advice bro.

fast48's picture

Definitly frontload eq. Min 14Weeks eq...16 test. Hcg last 8Weeks. Use adex at .25 e3d when estro pops up. If sensitive then .25eod. Not controlling estro loses gains. Hcg converts to estro too

ac89's picture

Why not get some prop and bold ace?

stackman's picture

I have everything on hand, but I have considered going that way, and still could. I just don't see what could make prop, and ace that much better. What's your opinion?

fast48's picture

Prop/bold ace.....cutter cycle. Clearly you need mass.

MikeTyson's picture

if that's 6'4 190 in the picture i'm going to guess you need to work on legs some. HIT THOSE SQUATS SON

stackman's picture

Haha for sure brotha that's what you'd think.

stackman's picture

This will be my 4th cycle over a 5 year period. I've always kept it basic with test e, and dbol as a kick start, and Clomid for pct. I'm not big on long cycles, so I wanted to keep it as short as possible without hindering my gains. I havey plenty on hand if I wanted to extend it. Never done Equipoise. I have been thinking about throwin some dbol in to

fast48's picture

Pct needs reworking. I wouldnt go eq looking at whats posted here. Your goal is awfully high when its either food or gym that'd lacking. Your pic looks like lifts are good which goes all on food. You gotta fully revamp or within four months you'll be right back to your current size. Gear isnt helpful at all unless your constantly eating BIG. For your height alone you should be natty over 210 befor first cycle yet you've ran several .

Back to the kitchen. Skip the EQ. NATTY BULK up to 205 minimum. The results will be better. Research a real pct as well.

stackman's picture

I feel ya bro, but I eat like a champ. Im Lucky to be able to maintain my weight at 190. My metabolism is crazy. It's hereditary. I'm not sure what I can do to re-work my pct, but I will take your advice, and look into it. Thanks.

fast48's picture

High metabolism requires high calories. Jam up 8000/day high in carbs and you'll grow. But not eating right and taking control over metabolism your just tossing money in gear. Get at least 1 mega calorie shake with bfast and 1 at lunch.

stackman's picture

I'll take your advice into consideration. I'm not in a rush to get on. So I could give it a month or 2, and see if I can gain at all, and take it from there. Thanks for the advice.

fast48's picture

Anytime! Grow well!

jpal's picture

eq needs to be ran longer like 16 weeks 12 weeks is too short

stackman's picture

Yah that does concern me, and The majority would agree, but I've also read of people getting great results at 12 weeks. Like I said I have plenty on hand to carry me, just not sure if I want to.

fast48's picture

Cycle stats? Im passing you a few pounds of huge steaks. Youd better start eating right.

nopainnogain's picture

if he did not use eq, 12 weeks is correct for once.

OmNom's picture

Like every one is going to tell you EQ should be run longer to really enjoy its effect, some say 14 and others might say 16 weeks is the min for EQ. What's your cycle exp?

levelup's picture

put your cycle history up and what your goal is for the sure a vet will pop in to give you advice

stackman's picture

I will not be starting cycle til mid November. any comments, recommendations, or advice is welcome, and appreciated. I do have plenty of adex on hand, just wasn't planning to use it unless.

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