diazallen's picture
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Fist Cycle ever Test Cy


32 Years old, 6'2'', 230 pounds, 19%bf.

I expect to drop some bf%, gain some quality muscle and get a better lookink physique, nothing crazy, I don't want to gain more weigh.

13 years clean on the gym (thanks to a good genetic, diet and proper training), first cycle, maybe I'm the only guy who does not want to look like a gorilla.

WeekTest CyClomidNovaldeX (Tamoxifen Citrate)
10100mg ED40mg ED
11100mg ED20mg ED
12500mg ED20mg ED
13500mg ED20mg ED
fast48's picture

Whats your full goals bro? This cycle is all bad. You don't want mass? Roids put on mass. Clean foods cuts/defines. Dont run this cycle. Full shutdown. No ai...bad pct. Bad mix is steroids

diazallen's picture

Fast48, My full goals are.

1-drop some bf%.
2- gain some quality muscle.
3-get a better looking physique, nothing crazy.

Overall: change fat per muscle, maybe keep my weigh or gain no more than 10 pounds.

fast48's picture

Pinning a lot sucks. Fair warning....
1-8 150eod primo a
1-8 75 eod test prop

The Winny n provi save for next time
Ai adex .25 every third day when nipps get sensitive/if sensitive
Pct two days after last shot
Clomid 100...100...50...50. Clomid wakes up the nuts
Nolva 40...40...20...20. Nolva blocks estro

Add up the cc's and buy one extra of each. Youll thank me later. Test has to be base. It keeps you horney as primo will shut you down. Your bf% looks liw if pic is current. Should drop that fat nicely and maybe 5-10 solid. Scale might not move much as fat drops 1 pound...add 1 pound solid...it evens out. Use a good source as primo is often faked. Pins.....25 x 1 for delts n quads.

diazallen's picture

How looks now?

fast48's picture

Just have adex on hand just incase you need it. Some bodies have no estro issues that low but if you are that rare one...estro won't wait to make ya new boobs. And its saveable for next cycle. Always be prepared. Have extra cyp too. Bottles get broken etc. Theres a good company on the main page having prop and test e sale for a great price. Sending fr if you have any questions.

diazallen's picture

Well, I think this is it!, thanks for your advises, and I'll keep a log of the cycle with pics.

Thanks again.

diazallen's picture

Thanks a lot, I'm gonna run a low dose of test, can I use Cy since I only have to do 250mg/w one pin?, that will make it up for the eod prim.

What you say?

fast48's picture

With you being brand new...low test can work for recovery. 10 Weeks would be better because test cyp starts kicking about week 5. Pct starts two Weeks after last pin. You already know diet is key as you look lean. Just know that at that dose maybe 5-10 maxlbs. Ive done low test like this before and it did work well. Back then i wanted a lil more mass and shoulda went bigger but you're really wanting recovery over mass.

Undertaker's picture

If this is your 1st cycle ever I would recommend sticking to the basics to see how your body reacts to each compound individually before jumping into multiple compounds. Try a test only cycle. Here it is

wk 1-12 test e or c 500 mg split doses example m/th 250 per

week 3-start ai arimidex or Aromasin Arimidex -.25mg E3D go to .25 EOD if nips sore. Aromasin- 12.5 mg E3D if nips sore go to 12.5 EOD

15 days after last test pin start pct nolva clomid 40/40/20/20, 100/100/50/50

I can see that you are looking to loose BF. That can be controlled through diet no need to use compounds for cutting. Per Viking good way to loose body fat stop carb intake after 2 pm. Cardio, cardio, cardio

diazallen's picture

Thanks undertaker for the replay, really appreciate you take the time to answer me.

About Test, I don't now bro, I have seen how 500mg of test cy reacted on my brother's cycle, he gained only 5 pounds the first 3 weeks, after that he went from 220 to 235 on week 4,5 and 6, eventually he stopped on week 7 because the gains was massive, that was his first cycle, he is younger than me though.

With that being said, I have A LOT of respect for the test, and I don't want to see those results on me.

So maybe I can get some definition out of this cycle, what you think?

Undertaker's picture

Honestly, if you already have the mass you want and are just looking for definition, just loose the body fat bring it down to the 10% range and you will have everything you are looking for. no need for aas for that just diet and some serious cardio work will get you where you want to be. There is no aas short cut to getting rid of the body fat.

fast48's picture

The facts!

diazallen's picture

32 years old, 6'2'', 230 pound 19%bf, sorry 4 the late, I was working.

diazallen's picture

Thanks Undertaker, I'll consider your advise. The thing is some times you work so hard and loos muscle on the process, but i'll give it a try to cardio and diet.

fast48's picture

That picture is NOT 19% bf!! That looks bout 12%.

diazallen's picture

Thanks 4 the time to replay.

That's what the trainer of the gym told me when he did the test (19%).

mjunkie's picture

you need to do more research bro, test only for first cycle, and if your not trying to get bigger u really dont need aas, DIET will help u lose weight

diazallen's picture

Thanks mjunkie for you replay.

I'm looking for keep my weigh, loose some fat and get a better physique overall, with diet is really difficult loose fat and keep muscle intact, so that's why I need the help of the AAS.

mjunkie's picture

i believe that if u cant do it without aas than u wont be able to do it with aas. I think u should post up your diet and have it critiqued and we can take it from there

diazallen's picture

Thank you mjunkie.

My diet is a basic diet now, only 4 or 5 different things.

5-6 meals 500-600 calories per meal 3500-4000 calories per day

Carbs Protein Fats
Oatmeal Chicken Avocado
Sweet Potatoes Ground Beef Penut butter
Brown rice Ground Turkey Olive Oil
Wheat Bread fish (salmon)

I have a cheat meal every other day, but nothing crazy, Sandwich or pizza maybe.

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