pharamacuticali's picture
  • 73

my final update for my first cycle that i have already started.


this is the revision that zewi gave me. in a previous thread.



1-12 Test E
11-16 Test P
11-16 Anavar
PCT 3 days after last shot

so this is what the log looks like when filled in with this info. im not making anymore revisions.

p.s. yes i know about the adex. there's not enough space for me to say that its either .25 e3d or if sore go to .25 eod. if still sore go to .5 eod. if still sore. .5 ed. i know this. thanks Smile

WeekTestosterone EnanthateTest PAdexAnavarNolvaClomid
3600mg.25mg e3d
4600mg.25mg e3d
5600mg.25mg e3d
6600mg.25mg e3d
7600mg.25mg e3d
8600mg.25mg e3d
9600mg.25mg e3d
10600mg.25mg e3d
11600mg100mg eod.25mg e3d50mg ed
12600mg100mg eod.25mg e3d50mg ed
13100mg eod.25mg e3d50mg ed
14100mg eod.25mg e3d50mg ed
15100mg eod.25mg e3d50mg ed
16100mg eod.25mg e3d50mg ed
17100mg ed40mg ed
18100mg ed40mg ed
1950mg ed20mg ed
2050mg ed20mg ed
pharamacuticali's picture

yeah. ill take a look at my body fat at about 10 weeks. and update.

Undertaker's picture

By the way another thing I learned today if your bf is over 12% var wont help you.

Undertaker's picture

Truthfully, I was more concerned about a 16 week run for a younger guy. I did not see his age but I get the impression that he is in his low 20's.

pharamacuticali's picture

Hahaha. Thanks for the comment. But im 31. Turning 32 in nov

Undertaker's picture

My bad. That was not meant to be a jab at you or anything.

pharamacuticali's picture

No problem. None taken.

Undertaker's picture


pharamacuticali's picture

i will keep that in mind.

pharamacuticali's picture

This is a bulk into a cutter

Undertaker's picture

You can go from a bulk to a cutter with diet change alone.

pharamacuticali's picture

True. But why not try at least :).

Undertaker's picture

Why just try it when you can achieve the same goal for less money and less stress on the body.

Undertaker's picture

for the reasons I stated above. cost and future cycles. Just to try it is certainly not a reason to add the extras.

Undertaker's picture

I understand that zewi gave yo this, but where do you go from here? Like you I am new to this and through the research I have done you are going to get awsome gains from test alone for 12 weeks. I would reconsider if I were you based on that fact alone. That way when next cycle comes up you can add prop kicker and finisher adding another 15 lbs. Followed by a cycle with prop kick, test e/eq. Same great gains alot less money. Just sayin.

jpal's picture

Why not just run test e 500 mg a week for 12 weeks thats what your first cycle should be

pharamacuticali's picture

Zewi is knowledgable. Ill trust him. Hell, he even changed a previous cycle when he fpund out i was a beginner. This shouldnt be bad. Its not like im running a ton of compounds.

jpal's picture

not the point he probley agreed to this cycle because he knew he could not talk you out of running mutiple compounds what ever its your body the more yo use now to get gains the more your going to need later

pharamacuticali's picture

so you guys know .here is the link to the cycle im talking about.

P's picture

Too many compounds for a first cycle IMO, but since you've talked to Zewi, i trust that he has advised an appropriate cycle.

Cheatnnature's picture

You might want to run the var atleast 6-8 weeks.

jpal's picture

so you recamend a first time user to run more than just test

Cheatnnature's picture

Not at all test 1st for sure. But he seemed pretty sure that he wasn't going to change his mind.

pharamacuticali's picture

week 11-16 is 6 weeks.

cj0cj0's picture

zewi is a awesome dude

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