mikeinindy's picture
  • 9

!st cycle of test e in like 18 years,


43,5ft9 170lbs. wanting to be back at 195,till i get close then ill want more,u know how that is!When should i start,I have total of 25 ml test e 250.Planning the normal 250 Monday,250 Thursday,I believe i will lose 1 or 2 ml. from drawing up thru-out etc. whatever is left of 25 ml. Ill throw in a litle xtra toward end of cycle.Never used any pct in the past never even had heard about it 20 years ago not saying it wasnt their,but i wasnt aware of it so if you get where i am tring to go any input would help.Thank you,I can still gain,but i am a hard gainer.Anything wrong with a kickstart?

WeekTestosterone EnanthatePregnylNolvadex
14clomid 100mg40mg
15clomid 50mg40mg
16clomid 50mg20mg
17lomid 50mg20mg
j223's picture

Add arimidex at 0.25mg every other day or every 3 days.
Add Aromasin (instead of arimidex) at 12.5mg every day

Add clomid weeks 14-17 at 50mg per day! (most crucial part of pct)

fast48's picture

Agree with Play. Hardgainer always starts/ends in food. Ai? Pct is wrong. Please read food forums andbulk natty for a good six months prior to blastoff

mikeinindy's picture

Pct was\is going to be adjusted have time to sort out ,thats why i am here havent started,so yes i know diet,so you are saying 6 months,thats what i was at when i started hgh in 2006?whats youre take on pct?please and thank you

fast48's picture

12 Weeks at 500 split mon/thurs. Play got you dialed in.

P's picture

NO - this is a poor cycle.

Firstly at your weight you should be sorting out your diet, diet is key! You can get to 195lbs naturally with no AAS bro

mikeinindy's picture

@P I will not blow smoke here ,i do want to cheat,i dont want to wait to get the gains, i know how long it will take,just wanting to shave off some of the time?Deit is well I do the best i can sometimes i get so dam tired of eating\shakes,its as much work as the lifting.What is youre reason for saying not 2 if you would please?

P's picture

I understand your view, nonetheless diet is key, steroids or no steroids.

Remember bodybuilding is a marathon, not a sprint - and diet is used day in, day out throughout that marathon...steroids comes and goes, and is only used for short periods. What i am saying here is that with a correct diet in place, all your gains from steroids will not be lost. On the flip side, if your diet was poor and used steroids, yes you would see small gains, but would you be able to keep them......NO! All you need to do here my friend, is follow a strict bodybuilding diet for at least 90 days, train hard, sleep well, and you will grow - once you have mastered this, then you introduce steroids to enhance the effects of this. Remember steroids are performance enhancing drugs, not performance building drugs and will only enhance the effects of what you have already achieved.

mikeinindy's picture

So tired of going thru the same crap of gain gain gain,lose lose lose,so hard to gain so easy to lose,i have only done a cycle back 18 yrs ago,and then in 2006 a round with HGH.And both times i was at a platue.And a friend in gym offerd a way to get over the hump,so thats why i was here to find out what you are telling me.TY for the advice,any input you have is appreciated!!

P's picture

I've been there too bro.
Look at the bigger picture of what you're trying to achieve - imo the quicker those gains come, the quicker you can loose them. Make it sustainable bro, nail the diet, then come back and we will all be happy for you to nail a cycle

P's picture

Here's a diet example courtesy of cdaddy7 (there are many more on these forums)

Meal 1
6 egg whites
2 whole egg
1 slice whole wheat bread w/sugar free jelly
1 cup oatmeal

Meal 2
1 can of very low sodium tuna in water
1 cup whole wheat pasta
Large green salad
1 tbsp of Italian dressing for flavor

2 scoops whey protein
½ cup oatmeal or bran
1 cup of 1% milk
ÂĽ cup of blueberries or strawberries

Post workout
1 scoop of whey protein
1 cup 1% milk
8 oz. chicken breast
1.5 cup whole wheat pasta

Meal 5
8 oz boneless skinless chicken or turkey breast
1 cup whole wheat pasta
1 cup choice of greens

Meal 6
8 oz salmon or lean beef
2 cups spinach salad with vinegar and olive oil dressing or italian

Meal 7
60 grams of casein protein for overnight fast
1 cup cottage cheese
1 tbsp almond butter or handful of raw almonds

woody51's picture

sent you a friend request i need advice on my diet !!!!!

great job! simple/cheap/ none confusing.

mikeinindy's picture

Yes,good diet plan,holly shit batman my budget a lil cheaper than that,but i just use other source for protien I.E.salmon i do love salmon tho.how do i keep in touch on here,i have seen youre post on other submits,also if you would whats the deal with pct my workout partner back 20 yrs ago was Mr.Minnasotta how ever its spelled and he was on about everything under sun,no pct i am aware of?I cycled and no pct either?

P's picture

I've sent you a friend request, PM me.

Heres some cheap protein sources from my bro GS:

1.canned tuna
2. Whey
3 whole eggs
4. Ground beef
5. Ground turkey
6. Quinoa
7. Beef liver
8. Frozen chicken breast or thighs. Each thigh is around 10g protein legs are around 11g much cheaper than breast. Just remove the skin
9. Cottage chees
10. Greek yogurt
Buy bulk and hunt for deals. Freeze everything. Oats are perfect for carbs u don't need shit else.

mikeinindy's picture

Yes thanks but what about the eggs,whats youre take on how many a week ,as in i think they the AMA says like three eggs a week because of the bad cholestral?In the yoke that is but thats half the protien if you take that out.

P's picture

I eat everything, yolk and white - no wastage. Eggs are natural, chickens are natural, human beings are natural - smarties and m&m's are NOT natural lol.

Eat whatever you need to fill your macronutrient needs, but vary the nutrient sources

mikeinindy's picture

Dont see the request i am new on here but i went to right top corner clicked on my name and it showed a profile with dont laugh no friends,is that where it would be?

P's picture

Yeah click on your profile it should say something along the lines of p wants to be friends (no homo)

P's picture

Hope this answers your PCT question:

The general rule for running an AAS cycle is:

Time ON + PCT = Time off (Unless blood results prove that you have returned to natural/near natural levels)

Now, lets say you choose to indulge in a 12 week cycle, which carries a 4 week PCT, thus the total time frame where your hormone levels will be abnormal in comparison to prior natural levels is 16 weeks. Additionally, supposing that you chose against acquiring blood results, this will result in a 16 week 'time off' period. Thus, the total time frame for a single cycle to commence and be finalised is 32 weeks.

Therefore, following the aforementioned key points, on the basis of a 52 week year, one can indulge in (52/32=) 1.625 cycles a year. In Layman's terms, you can run 1 cycle completely (this includes time on + PCT + time off) + (5/8 =) 0.625 cycles. This means you can run one complete cycle (this includes: Time ON + PCT = Time off) plus another 12 week steroid cycle + 4 weeks PCT + 4 weeks time off (32*0.625) in a single year, with a remaining 12 weeks of time off period to be carried forward into the next year - (2 complete AAS cycles = [32 weeks +32 weeks] 64 weeks, -52 weeks (equal to 1 year) = 12 weeks to be carried forward).

With regard to hormone levels, following the 1.625 cycles a year, you are likely to be fine. Of course, people find that after single cycle with PCT and time off, their levels return close to natural, much in the same way in which another person may find that they will be completely reliant upon TRT/HRT after their first cycle. What i have tried to illustrate here is that everybody is different - and the assumption that the time off period will, in most cases, return an individual to 'normal' hormonal levels.

mikeinindy's picture

So back in the day,what the hell was going on when no one was using pct?I know you are not the inventer of ,well atleast i assume you are not but then agian you do know alot ,anyway how was it delt with,i did not have any props after cycle?

P's picture

Lack of knowledge my friend.

Peoples natural testosterone levels never rebooted, some did, some did slowly, and with a poor diet, their gains were lost, and physically, mentally, hormonally they were in a worse place than when they started

mikeinindy's picture

So is nolva 25mg okay if so how long or what is a good pct after 12 wk test e 250,and dam wish i would have talked to you 1 day ago.I researched on my own and bought.Which i wont start now till i get closer to where i can be natty.Thanks and well just thanks lets just say you burst my bubble ,but for all the right reasons,I will really be thankfull when i do get to the point to use them if there not expired by then,ha ha ha.Really i am glad! With the way i work-out i would have blown, tore, or riped something not having my stablizing muscles in ,etc would have went to heavy cuz of juice,this way ill have my base up also.

P's picture


Nolvadex - 40/40/20/20
Clomid - 100/100/50/50

Are you running an AI on cycle?

mikeinindy's picture

Is that 40 aday for a week with clomid 100 a week together for 4 weeks with the dosage dropping each week?

P's picture

Nolvadex - 40mg per day for PCT weeks 1 and 2, then 20mg a day weeks 3 and 4.
Clomid - 100mg per day for PCT weeks 1 and 2, then 50mg a day weeks 3 and 4.

You're starting to worry me here bro...you should know this