Skretch's picture
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-1 10 week cutting cycle with Primobolan and Masteron


Goal is to enter fat burning mode via a low carb high protein diet (rotating carbs to keep my metabolism running)
Primobolan will be taken for its ability to work in low calorie environment along with masteron to keep the estrogen levels low which can be elevated during dieting and to preserve muscle.
PCT will be just with clomid. First week: 100mg, second and third week - 50mg. I may run it for one more week or even longer if I feel the need for it.
I am 27, 178cm at 110 kilos (~242 lbs) ~20%bf

fast48's picture

Basically...i'm reading that regardless you're gonna run this mess of a cycle. It clearly shows no real world planning. You will have hard shutdown. Seven Weeks is NOT enough time. Your milligrams are huge error. And there's no test at all. This flsy sucks. It's literally throwing moneu into the toilette.

Skretch's picture

Hello, I don't quite follow you. You are saying that my cycle is 7 weeks - no, it is 10 weeks.
When you say that there is no real world planning - I have to disagree, I did plan it, I've also checked other logs here as well as at a few other places.
"Your milligrams are huge error" - thanks could you elaborate and help me fix my cycle.
"You will have hard shutdown" - as opposed to ? wont Test shut me down too even harder? When you say that it shuts down own testosterone production, what do you compare it to? Primo vs?

fast48's picture

Planning.....a good plan on a cycle always includes test. Always. Hard shutdown in this scenario that you posted is erectile disfunction....because no test. Error in writing 7.....10 still doesn't allow primo to function on a good cycle the way its supposed to do. Milligrams frontloaded but then dropped to half a beginner primo cycle...mixed with being too short. Finally...masteron.....cycles are built around experience so that should you have any issues you can determine which one is causing the issue and fix/modify. Yet here thetes two compounds thrown together without and prior use by you...or atleast you haven't mentioned any prior cycles or knowledge. Down below corrected cycles have been posted but your mind is made up...which is a shame. Two months of working out with clean clean diet could have you closer to a good starting point. I know full well the cost of primo and a proper cycle...that too is a shame. Folks hete gave great advice but you're gonna take the luquid gold at an improper amount for the improper time and get improper results.

Good luck. Im out....

Mechyboy's picture

With your stats, you need to DIET for months, when you get down to a lower bf you can start a Test E or C cycle ONLY+ AI. PCT should also include Nolva (40/40/20/20), 4 weeks, AND Clomid (100/100/50/50)...for now your cycle should only be DIET

Skretch's picture

Thanks for your reply.
I totally agree with you on diet. If you look at the diet tab I've listed all the details about my diet. I am not taking Primo to gain weight but just to keep my muscles while dieting. I read that Primo works really well when the calories are low and with its low side effects I find it a better choice than Test.
I'll add Nolva to PCT and use Clomid as you suggested it.

Frank Columbo's picture

Get your BF% down with your diet and cardio. 20% is too high for for a cutting cycle. Plus, EVERY cycle needs test

Skretch's picture

Thanks for your reply. That's the idea of my cycle to decrease the BF%. However, with the low calories during my diet (available in diet tab) I find that I may loose a lot of muscles thus I am taking Primo which works great when calories are low and has less side effects than Test.

Skretch's picture

Thanks for your reply. The idea is to be on a low carb diet with ~1600 calories per day (as explained on Diet tab). I am running Primo to preserve my muscles during the diet. I find that Primo works better than Test when calories are low and it has less side effects too. That's why I choose to run Primo, not Test.

Gsxr1000spanker's picture

It's not a choose. Test should be in every cycle or your body won't have any to function properly. You need to reserch.

In a promo × 1
fast48's picture

Drop the test to 250 & thank me later ;). But gotta have bf down to 10% prior to start. Lower test keeps sex function and stops the water load of androgen. At 400 you'll still have andro water holding.

fast48's picture

Thinking of primo run before stage next summer. Gotta get balanced/fix weak spots. Smile

ac89's picture

Same here but don't know if the budget will allow it

fast48's picture

I hear ya! There's other top notch cutters ;). Just gotta get lean beefed and let food dictate the rest.

Skretch's picture

Thanks for the reply, I've added Nolva during PCT.
The idea is to preserve muscles while dieting and I find that Primo is superior than Test when calories are low thus I choose primo over Test. Side effects of Primo are less compared to Test

Skretch's picture

Thanks for your reply. What would you suggest me to change?

fast48's picture

Not a good one bro. SuperDbag is great with food. Cut down first. Primo is also 16wks min and in very specific ratio with test

Skretch's picture

Isn't Primo working exceptionally well compared to other compounds when calories are very low? Doesn't that make it a good choice when the diet is 1600 calories a day while I am burning ~4800 calories(that's all in diet tab)?
I have morning cardio, morning workout, afternoon workout, evening cardio. (that's all in exercise tab)

DBG's picture

NO, NO, NO!!!! This is NOT a good cycle...for one, you are running TWO DHT-derived steroids, and like was need some test with that. You ALWAYS NEED test with cycles.

Also...your bodyfat is WAY TOO HIGH. Get your diet together first and lose some of that before you run some gear. Compounds are not gonna solve the fat-burning dilemma...there's more work to be done here than would seem. The battle of the bulge is fought in the kitchen first, with a second helping of some sound cardio in your program. That's all!!

Skretch's picture

The idea to skip the test is that my diet will be of just 1600 calories. I read that Primobolan works better in low calorie environment and I think it will work better than testosteron in that case.
That's a cutting cycle, to lower the BF not to gain muscle mass. I am running the compounds to preserve my muscles during that cutting cycle. I think with 1600 calories a day I will need something to keep my muscles from catabolic effects.

Detroitnate's picture

x2 bro every thing u said and he needs a better pct there is a lot that needs fixed before we can help

Skretch's picture

The idea to skip the test is that my diet will be of just 1600 calories. I read that Primobolan works better in low calorie environment and I think it will work better than testosteron in that case.