coondog83's picture
  • 11

Winter Bulk


31 yrs old
5'8" 170lbs 11% bf
This will be my 3rd cycle.
I have used Cyp, Deca, Sust, and Dbol on previous cycles.

WeekTestosterone EnanthateDecaDbolAdexClomidNolva
1500mg300mg30mg/day.25mg e3d
2500mg300mg30mg/day.25mg e3d
3500mg300mg30mg/day.25mg e3d
4500mg300mg30mg/day.25mg e3d
5500mg300mg.25mg e3d
6500mg300mg.25mg e3d
7500mg300mg.25mg e3d
8500mg300mg.25mg e3d
9500mg300mg.25mg e3d
10500mg300mg.25mg e3d
11500mg.25mg e3d
12500mg.25mg e3d
13.25mg e3d
14.25mg e3d
meister's picture

Looks like a lot of compounds in your first 2 cycles...How did they go?

I could be wrong, but I believe DECA could be run longer (12 wks) [ZEWI WILL KNOW] which would push TEST to 14 wks and of course back everything else up the same.

I'm sure you know about the water retention (watch your sodium intake).

I'm also sure that you know to pin twice a week (Monday, Thursday/ Tuesday, Friday) whatever works for you.

Neo-istheone's picture

IMO...the only thing I would do is up the test instead of drop the deca..and you might need a little longer cycle... everything else looks good.... you can do either but P is right 2:1 ratio.. I will respectfully let others help you that have more knowledge than me... Z knows his shit..

coondog83's picture

My goal for this cycle is to get swole as fuck! Lol. I want to put on about 20lbs and then in the spring I'm going to do a test e, test p kick and taper, with a var finisher cycle to cut up for the summer. What does the letro or caber do? I do have hcg on hand, but I do not start taking it til about week 9. I forgot to put that in there. My diet is very clean with high protein low fat and low sodium. Sorry it took a little bit for me to get back at you. I'm at work. Appreciate all help!

P's picture

Dependant upon goal, perhaps a test/eq cycle is better?

P's picture

Do you have any letro/caber on hand?

Deca is generally ran at a 2:1 ratio of test:deca respectively (so i would drop the deca slightly)

PCT 15 days after last test e shot.

coondog83's picture

I do not have letro or caber. What are they for? I have never used either. Thanks for the help.

roflbbq's picture

added you, would appreciate any guidance on a cycle I have planned Smile

P's picture

Caber and letro would be used in addition to an AI (such as asin adex - caber and letro are also AI's but are much stronger variants). An AI controls the oestrogen production and caber is an anti-prolactin used for 19 norprogesterone compounds such as npp, tren or in this case deca

coondog83's picture

Thanks for the response. How would you suggest dosing letro?

P's picture

0.25mg ED if you feel sides

coondog83's picture

What kind of sides would the adex not take care of? Again, thank you for the help.

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