JJR724's picture
  • 3

+ 1 2nd cycle advice


Height- 5 10
Weight- 195 pounds, 10% BF
I've been lifting consistently for 10 years and have done one cycle of Test prop 100mg EOD for 8 weeks. I'm looking to start a lean bulk cycle towards the end of fall. I'm going to try Test E for this cycle and was wondering what other compounds to incorporate into the cycle. I want to use a kickstarter in my cycle but i'd prefer to use an injectable rather than a oral. Im not ready for tren so i was thinking about npp? or test prop? I also am considering a finisher to lean up maybe winny?

WeekTestosterone EnanthateTest propNPPWinny
1500mg150 EOD100 EOD
2500mg150 EOD100 EOD
3500mg150 EOD100 EOD
4500mg150 EOD100 EOD
5500mg100 EOD
6500mg100 EOD
7500mg100 EOD
8500mg100 EOD
9500mg50 ED
10500mg50 ED
11500mg50 ED
12500mg50 ED
1350 ED
1640 mg100 mg
1720 mg50 mg
20 mg50 mg
meister's picture


Will you look at his question about HCG?

I'm not the one for him to ask and I have a feeling that you are!

meister's picture

Is there anything you don't know?!?!

Always willing to help + 1

fast48's picture

Haaa! I see it now. Obstacle dilution. Lol.

meister's picture

Think I looked at your PCT wrong. Is it showing that you are running it for 4 weeks? My eyes are playing tricks on me.

meister's picture

If you are wanting to use the Winny, I would diet a little more and get to a solid 8 - 9% BF so that the effects were noticeable.

Prop, in my opinion is okay to use, but I would do it at 100 EOD.

NPP in my opinion...Nope...Not yet

Your PCT is short:

Tamoxifen: 40/40/20/20
Clomid: 100/100/50/50

Arimidex: .25 EOD starting day 15 (that's what I use and I don't see one here.)

Make sure you are splitting your injects to 250 and 250 Mon/Thur

Wait for 3rd cycle to add the Winny and for a lower BF %. If you run the cycle without the Winny, Fix your PCT and run the AI, you'll find yourself in a good place and you'll be setup nice for a good 3rd cycle!!!

JJR724's picture

Thanks for the reply and advice!
I don't know my exact BF%, 10% was a guess but i do have a full set of abs, decent vascularity and striations in my chest. I was considering winny to lean up during the two weeks im waiting to start pct. But now that i think of it i could just use prop during those two weeks?

My pct is 4 weeks not 3. Standard Nolva/clomid like you posted.

On my first cycle i was afraid of sides so i used .25adex ED and i think that may have been overkill. I also injected prop everyday to keep blood levels stable and i think im going to inject test e EOD on this cycle because i had no acne on the last one.

Also i would like to use HCG for this cycle, so should i just start the hcg midcycle and continue it until PCT? I've seen a hundred different opinions on when to use HCG.

meister's picture

I'm gonna give you the best advice I can when it comes to questions about HCG...ASK ZEWI OR FAST48!!! I do not have that much knowledge on it yet and damn sure would not try to pass what I have on to others. When I beef up on the topic more, I'll be able to help, but until then refer to the first sentence.


fast48's picture

But now he didn't have to research/learn :(

meister's picture

My Bad!!!

I'll have to learn to not be so eager. I just enjoy spreading the knowledge I have received from people such as yourself!

fast48's picture

No worries bro. Teamwork and educating em builds tomorrows helpers :).

fast48's picture

Gonna have a rough go with this cycle bud. Revise your pct. No npp. Winny only shows when beliw 10%bf......Weeks 10-14. Prop at 150 will give a drop imo. 100eod..

Normally a second cycle is simply add prop. Thats it. That simple and very effective.

Post your ai and revised pct...full revision

JJR724's picture

Thanks for the Advice!
I'll stay away from the npp this cycle and i'm think im gonna drop the winny. But if i up my test e dose to say 600mg a week or more, would it be ok to run prop at 150EOD?
Also what do you think about running prop during the two weeks i wait to start pct?

fast48's picture

With test e....twice a week is fine since it lasts a long time. It's more stable as well. You can do 150/600 but also take into consideration as your body adapts to more....you'll also require more. Many folks just repeat first cycle a few times and they still grow great. Fresh receptors. Prop taper at end...sure. Week 13-14 100eod. Pct starts two days after last prop pin. Do the math and order as necessary to cover kick/taper. Some labs don't have 10cc exact. Run ai til pct.