NewRoidGuy's picture
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-2 Very First Cycle Ever!!


Hey guys, im very new to the community and excited to be a part of it. Was hoping to get some input on a cycle iv seen yesterday and hope it isn't too much or too little, all feedback is greatly appreciated, be it positive or negative.
Concerns- 1.scared to death of gyno 2.Already (MAY) have male pattern baldness starting not sure, front of hair is kinda thin and iv recently started minoxidil if DBOL is a serious concern for this please let me know.

Age: 21
Body-weight: roughly 150
Height 5' 8" (yes i know im short lol)

1100mg/Deca + 20mg/Dbol20mg/Dbol20mg/Dbol20mg/Dbol20mg/Dbol20mg/Dbol20mg/Dbol
2100mg/Deca + 20mg/Dbol20mg/Dbol20mg/Dbol20mg/Dbol20mg/Dbol20mg/Dbol20mg/Dbol
3200mg/Deca + 25mg/Dbol25mg/Dbol25mg/Dbol25mg/Dbol25mg/Dbol25mg/Dbol25mg/Dbol
4300mg/Deca + 25mg/Dbol25mg/Dbol25mg/Dbol25mg/Dbol25mg/Dbol25mg/Dbol25mg/Dbol
5200mg/Deca + 20mg/Dbol20mg/Dbol20mg/Dbol20mg/Dbol20mg/Dbol20mg/Dbol20mg/Dbol
6100mg/Deca + 15mg/Dbol15mg/Dbol15mg/Dbol15mg/Dbol15mg/Dbol15mg/Dbol15mg/Dbol
7100mg/Deca + 20mg/nolva 20mg/nolva20mg/nolva20mg/nolva20mg/nolva20mg/nolva20mg/nolva
8100mg/Deca +20mg/nolva 20mg/nolva20mg/nolva20mg/nolva20mg/nolva20mg/nolva20mg/nolva
fast48's picture

Check the post 5-8 and growing at 21. Thanks for posting tag! Dang phone wont do that...

fast48's picture

Test only firsy cycle. This will cause big issues. Please research

levelup's picture

from what i read orals will shut you down hard; and should be paired with a test base. im turning 26 and just preparing for my first cycle. read up in the diet section. im on the palumbo diet and am cutting around 3-4lb/week. Im 195 and take in 250g protein 50g fat 30 g carbs and do a carb refeed every 2 weeks...that might not work for you but there are tons of helpful threads in the diet sections(weight loss and weight gain)

RickRock1086's picture

As far as gyno, with Deca you got real high chances considering you are not running any Testosterone on your cycle which is the king of all compounds! Second thing my man i would strongly recommend to run one compound at the time so you learn how your body reacts(good and bad) to each compound, third, you are very young still bro, your hormones still like a fucken volcano exploding, a diet high in calories and protein will give you amazing results(calories at least 4000/day, protein at least 1 gram per pound of body weight) but if you decide to do your first cycle, my suggestion would be Test Enanthate or Cypionate at 500 mg/week for 12 weeks, split doses for example sunday and wednesday and Nolva and clomid for pct, start 3 weeks after last shot of test. Good luck bro and hope this help you, and feel free to ask bruh, there is people here with better knoledge than myself who can give you a better advice, cheers.

just233's picture

Brother you have to work for it, you think you don't have go put work in while on cycle? Technically you should go 10x harder when on cycle,but first you have to learn how to put work in without gear that's #1 if you can't do it without gear shit you dam sure aren't going to with it,the shit doesn' if you dont its not some magic shit,you know poof and you have a fucking 8 pack and 22's.not to mention 21 is too young..go natural for a couple years go hard and I promise you'll grow.listen to the vets on here they know there shit,and won't steer you wrong.

fast48's picture

Anavar only will ruin your boner.....check forums...research

RickRock1086's picture

Is your own choice bro, now for the six pack a clean diet with low calories will do the trick, yes anavar will help a bit if your body fat is low, just remember to achieve one goal at the time, seems like you trying to gain some weight may be i'm wrong, if you going to bulk up do it for at least 6-8 months and yes you will lose that six pack, but once you get to the weight you desire a clean diet low on carbs a decrease on your calorie intake and cardio at least 3 days a week for 30-45 mins will do the trick. That's exactly what i'm gonna do once i get to 200 pounds.

levelup's picture

I second mike's first statement that you are young. Im relatively new here and young myself so I dont want to overstep any boundaries, however, you might want to wait a few years so you dont mess up your natural T. At 21 (which was just 5 years ago for me) I was too worried about banging chicks and partying my balls off to keep the regiment needed for a successful cycle. I think if you start knocking down 4k cal/day you should be able to make so good natural gains. if you do decide to go for the cycle which i think about 95% of the vets around here are gonna advise to wait remember EAT BIG/TRAIN HARD/REST/SLEEP...just my two cents, take it however you chose to.

mike7's picture

NEVER NEVER EVER take anavar or any oral alone, can shut down your Hpta

mike7's picture

Where's the test? Doing deca with no test can lead to deca dick and you won't be able to get it up...firstly your young, you should just try a strict diet, eat eat eat and eat.some more then train heavy heavy heavy and see how your body grows..

Now if your like me your not gonns wait so keep it simple

12 weeks
1-12 test e or test C 500mg (split into two shots, mon/thurs)
Pct begins two weeks after last injection and looks like this

Nolva 40/40/20/20 (that 40mg everyday for first two weeks, and 20 mg Ed last two)
Clomid 100/100/50/50 (same thing)

Best bet is sticking to one compound for your first run and see how your body reacts, but your best bet might be to try proper diet and exercise first...what does ur diet look like?

mike7's picture

You can achieve the goals you want with just test E or C, just depends on how strict you are with your diet my brotha!!

jayke's picture

you really should take a look into the forums. and know why you need both pct. know why you may need AI on cycle and why test is the base of all cycles. trust me! i didnt know shit 3 weeks ago and now i swear i could have wrote a book. Everyone here will get on your shit if you ask whats saved on the forums as stickys too.

RaginCajun84's picture

I will tell you that for a first cycle you will only want to run one compound at a time. I just started my first cycle and after all my research I'm just running test c for 12 weeks...

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