ghiger's picture
  • 13

-2 First Cycle


I'm running a 10 wk cycle starting July 2. I'm 35 yrs old, about 10% body fat, and have been training for approximately 12 years. I keep a pretty tight diet and I'm a certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS) so I have a strong background in training and Olympic Lifting. I had hip and shoulder surgery in Feb and May and I'm just getting my strength level back to where it was before surgery. I have an anti-again doctor so I have complete access to prescription pct's. However, I was able to obtain my test prop, var, and aromasin from BigD. I know his products are legit.

WeekTestosterone PropAnavar Aromasin HCG
5300mg50 mg ED12.5 ED
6300mg50 mg ED12.5 ED
7300mg50 mg ED12.5 ED
8300mg50 mg ED12.5 ED
9300mg50 mg ED12.5 ED
10300mg50 mg ED12.5 ED
1112.5 ED500 IUS
1212.5 ED500 IUS
1312.5 ED500 IUS
1412.5 ED
Shifty1921's picture

You could increase your test dosage weekly and Test P is good for a cutting cycle while Test E is good for bulking. You can take the test P either ED or EOD, depends on how your body reacts to it.

tk1070's picture

Hi, I'm working on putting my first cycle together as well. I'm new to this and was wondering what ED and EOD means. Thanks for your help.

thundercats0's picture

HCG should be run everyday for 10 straight days (500iu/day) at the conclusion of the cycle if it's not being administered during the cycle twice a week. You should also run an A.I. with it, as it will increase e2. Be sure to come off the last 4 days before your PCT begins.

ghiger's picture

I could get prescription clomid. Should you run clomid and hcg at the same time though??

fast48's picture

Bam! Easy peasy!! Looks like he's going prop route least it's test

fast48's picture

No . Do not run hcg and clomid at same time. Stop hcg four days prior if your running hcg post cycle. Take ai while on hcg as hcg makes estro spikes.

thundercats0's picture

Didn't see you posted this already.


fast48's picture

No worries bro. Teamwork!

ghiger's picture

Ok. Thanks man. I'll drop the T-bol.

fast48's picture

Drop tbol and var. Get test e/cyp. Unless you're ready for eod injections.....not advised for first time. Some prop hurts a lot and if you're 4Weeks in you still have many to go.

12wk cycle

thundercats0's picture

Pinning everyday on the first cycle.

Dis gon be good...

Tell us how your leg days go, if you're hitting your quads that is.

fast48's picture

I remember doing the original Winny long ago Ed for my third cycle......very eye opening. Lol

thundercats0's picture

...and the 'Var. Do it right, bro.

P's picture

With prop, ideally you would be pinning ED, and as this is your first cycle you would quickly run out of sites. I recommend test e, sus, test c and pin twice a week and get some experience running those compounds and pinning.

fast48's picture

Not a good first cycle at all. Read forums.

ghiger's picture

I read them everyday.

fast48's picture

reading is not doing. Theres a protocol to follow so you know how each chemical reacts to your own body and how to properly deal with each action. Test only is clearly detailed to each newbie regardless for this reason.

It's like reading books on narcotics and deciding to do a Speedball followed by norco for a first timer.

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