girlrilla's picture
  • 42

+ 2 as promised


Girlrilla in full combat gear for the ebc! All that's missing is the combat boots! Lol

Roid Rager's picture

Just so you know, that's not what we mean when we say "gear" ;)

girlrilla's picture

Lol! Ive moved on from all to easy lol!!!!

suzy b MRS viking's picture

Go Girl you look like S.W.A.T. in that jacket lol i must be having one of those for xmas Smile

girlrilla's picture

Lol! Thanks! Quite a flattering compliment from the ladies on here Smile

shrapnel's picture

Its really "stepped" up her Stair Gauntlet cardio!

suzy b MRS viking's picture

I bet! i could wear that to go out sat night with 6in heels WOW lol Smile

shrapnel's picture

LoL. Just be sure to put some weight in the front! We overloaded the back one of the first times.. LOL It was all she could do to not fall backwards!!!!

girlrilla's picture

Lol. Yea. Lesson learned...gravity was a bitch that Cardio session Smile

girlrilla's picture

Thanks! I'm doing all I can do to get in better shape Smile

girlrilla's picture


just233's picture

Nice looking good..GET IT IN!!!

girlrilla's picture

Thanks Smile

shrapnel's picture

Well big silverback I'm too weak and depleted to fight you off..... just make sure to bring her back in one piece.....What the hell am I saying...? She wears a combat vest on the stair gauntlet!!! Honey, be sure to bring Dub G back in one piece!!!!! lol lmao!!!

girlrilla's picture

Don't worry shrap....G may be wore out but ill make sure to bring back the most important piece! Lol

Gorillafit's picture

Looking good Girlrilla. The sneak peek comparison looks promising! Congratulations!

girlrilla's picture

Thank you! Im hitting it hard Smile

blue78's picture

good luck..girl. I was thinking of getting one of those weighted vest to train in. Do they work good for Cardio?

girlrilla's picture

Oh yea!

fast48's picture

Daaang! I bet end of ebc will be like night n day for ya. Kickass!

girlrilla's picture

I added 12 pounds with the vest....its amazing how much harder my Cardio is but its what I gotta do to improve Smile

girlrilla's picture

Thanks! It's tough as hell!


swat crew!!!!

girlrilla's picture

Lol. Thanks! Its tough with the extra weight that's for sure Smile

sc2216's picture

nice! good luck!