AlphaTiger2011's picture
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Puss in Shoulder Part 2


If anybody read my post yesturday this will know why I did this. I decided to aspirate today because there was a weird mushy feeling in my shoulder not like your standard knot we get, there was not pain what so ever or redness but this was what came out. Any input would be.helpful if this has ever happened to anybody. Will I be ok? ** ROUND 2 PICS **

JustAMate's picture

How you getting on, Mate?

Ludwig's picture

Reminds me of Greg valentino...bent needles and shit

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NYMoto1's picture

Greg Valentino = Major Asshole. That Is my Point Of View And I know Ya Have Valentions Fan Boys

markymark's picture

hope alls well brother...keep us posted

blue78's picture

This looks like you mite have a staph infection bro it happens sometimes when you miss with a shoot. Or use a dirty rig. Go straight too the E.R it can spread.

NYMoto1's picture

I highly Doubt on the Staph The brother would run a fever, I know as I had it but STILL run to the ER.

eatbig's picture

Thats not good bro. Let us know what happens :(

NYMoto1's picture

Those who know gave you the advice that YOU NEED, Go to the MD now and whatever you do, DO NOT lie about what you were injecting, Good Luck.

SultaN's picture

anyone find out who's gear he was using

artiew's picture

I had the exact same thing happen to me I had no redness it wasent sore I had no fever I just left it alone and it cleared up on its own within a week.

JustAMate's picture


As everyone else has advised you.

THAT s**t is NOT supposed to come out of your body.

You're not dumb. You know what you HAVE to do.


diablomeister's picture

Oh man, yeah like everyone else said, go to the doctor and be truthful so they can help you out the best they can. I personally would ask for an injectable multi-spec antibody as those work super fast and usually the first and only time.

Burzum's picture

I have had this happen once before, except in the glute. I was pinning syntrop ten6hundred, always had nasty pip. For safety sake see a doc, but my experience was that I just gave the site a break and made sure to massage the area. mine cleared up after about a week.

anadrol50's picture

I had an oil abscess pocket on my hip from too frequent of injections in the same location... looked very close as what was drained from my hip but mine was feverish, red and hurt like hell... I still carry the scar but now I move injec sites all around.

landojacked's picture

Thats disgusting!! Whos gear wher u pinning?

SultaN's picture

Yea I'm curious to know who's gear are you running tiger

AlphaTiger2011's picture

Lol yeah bro my wife got me a z-pack and some ciproflaxacin. I'm gonna wait to see the doc untill it starts hurting or some redness shows up, my next day off work Is Wednesdays and I work 6am till 6pm so if it starts bothering me ill go to the er and.ill saving thoes syringe's just in case lol

j0n's picture

ya tell him ya got a spider bite. all abscesses are treated the same by clinicians

Stay Solid's picture

Ok everyone pretty much summed it up u need to see a doc for antibiotics and such. But can I ask what gear your using?

Fullypumped's picture


manbearpig's picture

it looks like staphylococcus aureus. does it smell like reeaaaallllly bad body odor?

manbearpig's picture

put it on a slide and do a gram stain.... er thats what i would do. lol
yeah see a doc. looks like u need antibiotics.

chester's picture

go to doctor

jhendo's picture

Yea i would go to the hospital n see what's goin on. Might be an infection. Idk never seen that before.

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fast48's picture

X2......its pre cyst.

Hench's picture

That's some nasty look shit bro. I'd have it checked out asap.