Ruffian's picture
  • 14

The Ruffian is in!


Lean meat...

redline_fa5's picture

man you have awesome physique! i am still young but cant wait to go on a cycle!

anadrol50's picture

Never any issue with gyno?

Ruffian's picture

Nothing other than itchy nips

jkc's picture

Let me guess, you have tried steroids before but you didn't inject?

Ruffian's picture


But i still can't explain the tren all over her dress :/

jkc's picture

Nice "tren on her dress"

thundercats0's picture

Will secks for cycle advise.

Ruffian's picture

Bulking: test/tren (or deca)
Cutting: test/ tren/mast/var <--- awesome combo

Remeber, dont let anyone twll you that you cant bulk on tren.