supersavage's picture
  • 48



Some Winsrol tabs I'm going to run on my next cycle.I'm going to run these with some deca and test e.I love winstrol but unless I run it with deca it causes me severe joint pain.

below me's picture

Jealous as fuck bro my favorite just hate taking so many a day but they are the best

Gettin big's picture

All i can say is im jealous but be safe with all that bro. Thay look official

Stay Solid's picture

what source brotha?

supersavage's picture


Bigdawg201067's picture

I've used them they are legit, i got the Dbol DS like you, love them hearts

supersavage's picture

They are alzolol from british dispenceries.They don't get any better then this.

BigDog147's picture

Thats some of the best winny EVER right there!

supersavage's picture

Yeah been a couple years since I've had my hands on any of these.They are the best I've ever tried and I have tried several.Thanks to eroids I found a great source to buy them from.