maxamax's picture
  • 67



some optimal i received today, haha he pours his soul into his work so much that he leaves a little piece of himself in every bottle. i emailed him, ab is straight up not worries he always takes care of everything. lesson here is to always check your bottles before you pin. infections aren't any fun.

SD916's picture

dam, ya musta jus been in a hurry. ive ordered 37 bottles from ab in the last 5 moonths and none of them have had any sort of deffects. the only thing that went wrong was the october mess when he had a bad worker an it took a couple months to get my gear. every order since then has arrived in 5 days at the very most. and i'v gained 28 lbs just off his sust. his gears good shit, too bad hes out the game tho

Nitti's picture

run it through a whatman bro

maxamax's picture

i emailed him earlier and he just replied that he would take care of it. haha, you would have to be a brave mofo to pin it. you could do what jpal said and filter it but per bottle that would cost fifteen bucks added onto what was paid for the bottle.

raiden25's picture

Wow that's a hairy situation brother, good thing I wasen't eating when I saw that swimmer! Let us know if he resolves for you if not we'll boycot his gear, Just Kidding AB don't put swimmers in my gear bro!

The Judge's picture

Damn!!! I just got most of my oder today also, but I don't see any hair in them. Thats Messed up!!!

subs33's picture

It happens...welcome to the wonderfull world of UGL'S. I found a white tiny hair like object in my lixus sust back in november.. If I had to guess what it was I would say it looked like a hairlike object from the filter when they filter it or like a cotton fiber..IDK I pinned the whole vial.It was bunk gear.. You could bairly see it. However what you have is definatly a hair from a mammal of some sorts...

maxamax's picture

two of the vials from this pack had two VERY long black hairs in them. i have seen this happen a couple times from this src he must be in a hurry lol. i wont pin this one though if he dont want to work it out i will trash it and chalk it up as a loss. It puts me back on to the thinking that i may go back to sus amps.

subs33's picture

Ya, sumthing is up. Lots of optimal being produced. Musta been in a hurry. That a shame cause I like AB...

jpal's picture

why dont you just run it through and sterlie filter

maxamax's picture

that may be cost effective for two vials that it happened to but if it were just one it wouldn't be. if it doesn't get resolved i will more than likely will.

maxamax's picture

did you ask? what was wrong with your order if you dont mind me asking?

Bigdawg201067's picture

Nasty, looks like a pube

mike7's picture

HAHA...maybe you were pushy with ur order nd Ab left ya a little something extra. Lmao just playin