rjb83's picture
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5 weeks into a 12 week cutter


Started off at 242lbs and 15% bf... Running Optimal Test E at 250mg/wk along with AB's Clen (2 weeks on 2 weeks off for the whole cycle) and Avavar from the Hulk at 50mg/day for the last 8 weeks of the cycle.
Currently I am at 228lbs and 12.8% bf. My goal is 8% bf or less by March while trying to keep my weight at or above 220lbs

Bigdawg201067's picture

How strong was AB's clen i hear its pretty good, just looking for your personal experience or suggestions.

Bigdawg201067's picture

thanks bro, you look great keep up the hard work!!!

A-BOY's picture

did you have gyno surgery ???

subs33's picture

Well done. I will be following for the rest of your 12 week cutter. I plan on cutting in Spring. +2 point for you.... How tall?

ricer's picture

How are you dosing the var!? You simply taking 1 capsule a day!? Interested to hear as I am starting next Monday!