skate-or-die's picture
  • 12

Gear From AAS


From Left to Right:
Clomidex, Pink Thai Dbols (free gift since i'm waiting for the hearts), Sciroxx Test E 250, Nolvadex

bigt1301's picture

5 weeks at 500 a week then switched to axio. Im mad cause its my first cycle. Diet and work out is righ on point. The dbol was crazy i loved that shit.

skate-or-die's picture

Yeah, It will be 1 full week on dbol this coming saturday. I have gained about 7-8 pounds thus far. The pumps are really nice. I will say that I am having a hard time telling if I have completely destroyed the muscle during my workouts. Is this common? I really used to judge how good of a workout I did by the way I felt the same day. In this week, I am not feeling sore in the morning what so ever LOL, But I am lifting a good bit more weight. So that is a plus. Happy to say that I have 5 more weeks of this. The dbol I am taking at the moment is the pink thai 5 MGs. AASteroids is still out of the dbol I ordered. That is beginning to have me concerned because He only sent me about 120 of the 5 MGs. Meaning I only have around 6-7 more days worth...I hope he gets them to me in time...
Also, I have a thread in the steroid cycles section which i will be doing all my updates on.
Link here:

RagingAnimal's picture

No, you won't feel the soreness as much since your recovery is much quicker on the gear. You may have only one day of mild soreness even when you blast a muscle group so I wouldn't worry about that. About the test, unless you feel strongly that it's working I would plan on changing brands. I had a few weeks of no gains due to that weak ass Sciroxx. Now that I've changed brands, the gains are coming back a bit.

gucci19's picture

nice bro....

bigt1301's picture

Im on my first cycle an im not gettin anything out of the sciroxx. The blue hearts got me huge.but i stop taken them an lost weight an sstrenghth within a week. Luckly i bought some axio test at the same time i got the sciroxx.

RagingAnimal's picture

Another one bites the dust with the Sciroxx test e. Same thing happened to me, but I ate enough to maintain my weight until I changed brands.

AAS's picture

We all get sciroxx from the same place !!! sciroxx

RagingAnimal's picture

I understand, I do believe it to be Sciroxx's fault. Either way, I will not be ordering Sciroxx again.

RagingAnimal's picture

Geez, maybe some of you will have more luck, but I know of myself and two others who have changed gear mid cycle (dropping the Sciroxx test e from AAS) because of not getting results from it. You can check out my review on the steroid review section. I still haven't heard anyone make a good review of it from AAS.

skate-or-die's picture

Yeah, I saw the review you did. I had already ordered before you posted about it though. I pinned already (my first pin ever) and things went well. I'll let you know if I start seeing sides in couple Weeks. Since you changed sources during cycle, did you include the Weeks on sciroxx as Rome on your cycle or start over?

RagingAnimal's picture

Yes, I included the weeks since I was on the dbol for the majority of the time and had already had tremendous gains (about 40 lbs over the first month). Plus, I injected about 4 ml of the Sciroxx before I switched as sort of a frontload. I figure it was about half dosed or something. Not to mention, I was experiencing some minor testicle shrinkage and definitely don't want to mess up my natural test production so trying not to stay on too long. I'm up almost 50 lbs at this point so my goals have already almost been reached for this cycle.

skate-or-die's picture

Excellent, well hopefully the batch i've received will be decent. If not, I believe I'll be ordering from anabolic body webs. Who did you get your second vial from?

RagingAnimal's picture

Yeah, I got two vials of test e from AB. Only about one week in so can't say much about it yet. I think he'll be back open Oct. 11 or something, he's on vacation.

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