sayiwont25's picture
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ECA and Clen


ECA and clen from anabolic supplements.

sayiwont25's picture

im goin to have to dissagree with you musclebarbie. this ECA def works and just one pill has my hands shaking quite abit. the energy is sometimes overwhelming. def made me sweat too. soo this ECA is good to go but as far as the clen, i dont think its legit from what ive read up on it.

willdallas2003's picture

Do you feel any different with the ECA?

sayiwont25's picture

i cant say cus i havent started it. im waitin on sum more gear and pct before i start my cycle

sayiwont25's picture

either or, im not takin it. its for a friend bud. but thanks for your scientific proof ;)

solomongrundy's picture

let us know how this works out for that the chinese clen?