sayiwont25's picture
  • 70

Fake Kigtropin From VS. Real Kigtropin


beware if your goin to order kigtropin from etalaze because you will get fakes! here is a picture of the fake kigtropin i recieved from them and what real kigtropin looks like. In every pic, the fake is on the left. as you can see, the boxes are almost the same but are different in shades of green. the paper instructions are even different. the tops... well self explanatory. also the fake has no serial number or any number compared to the real one. and the bottles and labels are horribly fake. the fake bottle is taller than the real ones and the batch number on each is way different in the way its printed on them. One review i get that this might be possible IGF-1 since kig makes them with a green top and etalaze is trying to pass them as kigs. soo please dont make the mistake i made and save yourself sum money!

vekho.dhingra's picture

Thanks for the help man!

Jack's picture

Top pics do you know a good online site that
Sell these products legit not fake of course!!
Would be well appreciated if can help
Many thanks

Jack ;-)

sayiwont25's picture

thanks guys for the thumbs up. im only trying to be fair on here. if i give you money, i expect good service lol. they should have a master switch on here, if your site is fake n you rip people off, we got the right to shut your shit down! lol this would save alot of people sum money here.....

7gothic's picture

That's where you and I disagree.
If a company is selling items that are counterfit, then they SHOULD be on here as well. Otherwise, they are free to scam people all over the net. Most of these companies get much more business from other forums and search engines. Eroids is the definitive review site when it comes to online gear, and the only way to expose these frauds is to feature them here.
If I were looking for a source, I can tell you that I would'nt use these guys after reading page after page of negative reviews.
With regards to your pics, I think the one that Tells the tale most profoundly is the caps....not just the color, but the "Kigtropin" indentations on them. That's a hard thing to copy because it requires a special press.
Thanks for the post.

sami1980's picture

good job man

Owes a Review × 1
kwabby6's picture

and for this I will give you +2. Good catch on that faggot chiquito

sayiwont25's picture

If you want to know a good source to get kigs cheap and no fakes like likes to sell and probably cheaper than any wur on here, let me know? just PM me for the source and il hook it up!

gucci460's picture


sayiwont25's picture

Yea these guys wont even respond to my emails about this fake crap they sent me!