Rawdog59's picture
  • 35

Testosterone Undecanoate from Naps!!

Rawdog59's picture

william is not hardly as articulate as I am with the key strokes. So how you could possible mistake William(the generated-animated answering machine) for me Rawdog59 is beyond me. Oh...it was a joke ...my bad! Quite the joker you are Funz, I mean Gunz

john039999's picture

ive used them before mate,honestly their not worth a penny.Of course thats just my opinion but you need to be popping at least 2 every hour for them to have any affect even then its minimal at best.I dont mean to piss on your parade mate if you feel differently after using them then please let me know as apart from me i dont know anybody thats ever used them.

Rawdog59's picture

Endurance athletes use them for recovery-not for building muscle.This and Test gel do the trick for me. I do road cycling not heavy weights--thanks for your input.

A-BOY's picture

bullshit . why would order one thing from naps ??

Whateva22's picture

What the fuckkkkk? When did you get a naps order in?

Rawdog59's picture

Yesterday 8/26/--I was surprised as hell

Rawdog59's picture

june 16th