ThatsWhatsUp's picture
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Soccer and Winstrol?


40 year (6' 198lbs) old recreational (but competitive) soccer player that plays 3x a week. Agility has declined but endurance is still strong. I will be receiving dbol and winny orals with Aro to combat the estrogen for dbol. I understand this is NOT a good combo and reasons why, and will hold off on dbol until I get a test base. My goals are to strengthen "fast twitch" muscles and improve quickness and agility with very little care about size. That said, these are my questions:

  1. strictly for performance, is the winstrol my better cycle as a stand alone or should I do a test/dbol first and winny later to secure the strength. I really want to stay below 205 lbs.

  2. Will I increase the chances of blowing an ACL with winny from increasing strength while drying my joints?

  3. With the HIIT (High intensity interval training) and high endurance of my play, how do I combat muscle catabolism.

I'll take any suggestions on optimum gear for my goals. God Bless!

Caeser's picture


[1] Winny is #2 on my list for athletic enhancement. You will want a Test base (#1) with any cycle you run. Dbol doesn't belong in an sport competitors cycle - especially one that doesn't want to gain weight. Understand, you will gain strength with any AAS you use... the difference will be the type of strength you're referring to. Winny will be most in line with the type of strength one would desire for Futbol.

[2] Winny may or may not cause joint discomfort... everyone is different with how they react to specific AAS. Secondly, sides will be dose dependent... so if your dosages are within reasonable ranges; you should be fine. Now onto blowing out an ACL = this will be dependent upon how much weight you put on, along with the type of strength training you're doing while also playing soccer. If you are drilling Plyometrics, running, jumping, agility drills, etc... and stay at your weight or lose weight = you're probability of knee injuries will be low. If you are performing weight training; squats, deadlifts, etc... and playing futbol... then your probability of injury will increase substantially. In question [3] you're asking about HIIT with play... I hope you're not referencing HIIT with external loads = again your workouts should be sport specific... not bodybuilding/weight training, then going to play futbol... you will likely get injured. Weight training is offseason only.

[3] Food consumption... Protein after workouts... Carbs to fuel the workouts.


Gigel's picture

Soccer which is called football anywhere else is very popular here in EU. They used to give ephedrine alot to players in our league (90s -20s), clenbuterol also is the new thing. Big clubs have clinics where players go and take whatever they give to them. They keep it private but the building are so big mannn, something big is going on there lol.

Makwa's picture

Winny -bad...Joints will feel like full of glass shards and tends to make ligaments more brittle. Not a good combo for a sport. High injury risk.

Dbol- bad....Fill you up with subq water. Who wants to lug all that useless weight around when playing an aerobic sport.

Without any test you will likely start to feel lethargic and unmotivated once the orals have shut down your natty production. Now you also have to hopefully reboot your HPTA and suffer through a PCT.
I don't see any positives coming from this, only negatives.

ThatsWhatsUp's picture

Ty, do you have any recommendations? should I look into what cyclist, boxers, MMA use?

Makwa's picture

I'm just bodybuilding/hypertrophy. What would work best for an endurance type sport like soccer, I'll have to pass on suggesting something for that since I have never really tried designing a cycle around a specific sport like that. Only bodybuilding. There are some boxers and others like that on here so they might have some better recommendations.

PPGfreak's picture

It hurts to even walk when I use winny....

BigThing's picture

Bad idea imho. Winny will fuck your joints up, not to mention your lipids. You do not want to clog your veins at 40. If you feel like your body is aging I would recommend seeing an endo to know where you stand. Prescribed trt might be a better solution. After those few weeks on winny you will feel even worse when your natural test production is shut down. Did you try good vitamin and supplement stack? Seeing a doc and getting the basic bloods should be the first step

ThatsWhatsUp's picture

Supplements I have been taking the past couple of years:
fish oil 1000mg
Mens 1 aDay
iron 65mg (im anemic)

I work out 4 days a week and play ball 3x and change up routine every few months. I would hate to throw my gear away, especially if I can find a productive strategy. So you are saying garbage can?

BigThing's picture

Try using vitamins designed for active people such as animal pak or Orange triad. Maybe a protein powder if you work out 4 days a week and play ball 3 times a week. You don't have to trash it but wait until yiu get some test and are fully committed brother

ThatsWhatsUp's picture

Not lowT, got tested and was at 435. Doc said range is 300-600. Did find out I am anemic and have to take iron supps, which really helped with my fatigue levels.