BigEC's picture
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Starting first cycle, pointers please


Hey everyone,
Starting my first cycle soon and wanted to get some pointers. I've gathered as much info as I can, so I hope I don't look like a total noob. I'm looking to get down to 10%bf, weight doesn't really matter to me.
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 220
Bf%: 15.6%
Experience: lifted weights for 14+ years off and on. Started a strict reg 3 months ago.

Macro nutrients/day: 200-250g protein, <150g carbs, <80g sugar, <1800g sodium, 2100-2500 calories nearly from all whole foods. Supplement with protein powder, creatine, and glutamine. Multivitamin, cold-milled flax. Little to no dairy.

Using 1.5" pin w 3mL syringe

Using only Test Prop 125mg/eod for 12 weeks.

I had blood work done, and all levels are normal except white blood cell count. It's a little low. I'm on antibiotics, and according to google, that's a normal side effect. (Side note: should I finish the antibiotics before starting?)

Any suggestions? Thanks everyone!

xxRedneckxx's picture

Personally I would run test e instead of prop...will be a lot easier and give you time to have fun

Things you will need
1. 6/10ml vials of test e ..or 3/20ml vials...
2. Dbol if you choose first 4 week kick start
3. Hcg 10,000 iu
4. Clomid
5. Nolvadex
6. 50 / 1.5" 23 gauge syringe

And I wouldn't recommend cutting while on aas unless it's for a comp, you will see little if none strength or muscle increase only on should get your bf% lower naturally then reep the benefits of lean bulking

tzelukie's picture

You've got some work to do before you make a run. Rolltide and Iron game can straiten you out- your diet and training need work... Research PCT also and while your there poke around first cycles...Stay away from prop first time around the pip will cripple you, and you need to get some pinning under your belt before you get into eod pinning-muliple sites etc etc.

rolltide3's picture

U should post a pic to see if your even at the point of needing steroids working out on and off doesn't cut it neither does been strict for only three months. If we see you've built up a good foundation then maybe but I'm wondering if your jumping the gun.

BigEC's picture

Post a pic in my profile? Is that what you're asking? I couldn't see where to post it in this thread.

rolltide3's picture

Ya or in the self pic section. It really helps the community to understand where your at and what kinda advice is best to give u

BigEC's picture

Posted a self pic from my tablet. Can't get it upright. I'll have to upload a better one later. I thought this would be better than nothing for now.

irongame427's picture

Bf is definitetl higher then 15%. Everyone thinks there 15% when there not lean and don't have abs. I was one of them to until I started cutting and realized how wrong I was.

BigEC's picture

I think so too now. That was a few weeks ago with a different machine, and I just received my little Omron today. It said 20% : /

irongame427's picture

Ya man we all wanna think were 15% as soon as the abs disappear lol. I really thought I started my cut at 15% until i got my bf tested after losing 20lbs and i was only 14%. Those electronic things that you hold are the worst. Those things were telling me I'm 7% when i was clearly 15+. Calipers done by someone who knows what there doing pretty accurate. I actually want to order some now that I'm thinking about it.

rolltide3's picture
Go post up your diet here. U need to spend some more time eating right and working out before u think bout steroids. Get u eating right now.what's your workout plan look like

BigEC's picture

Posted the diet

BigEC's picture

Working out 5-7 days/wk. Following a workout program from a bodybuilding app, alternates days: backs and biceps, chest shoulders and triceps, etc.

rolltide3's picture

U doin cardio at all? So your working out chest shoulders and triceps in the same workout?How long your workout last cause working out seven days a week is a little much hard to recover if u are really hitting it hard

BigEC's picture

Cardio included in those days, 2-3 times/wk. works outs are about an hour. Alternating muscle groups to allow for rest.

irongame427's picture

Ya, you're 100% right. +2. 3 months of being stict is nothing. Do that for a few years to make sure this is something you actually like to do. Cause I will bet all the money to my name that if you start a cycle now you'll just quit again after your cycle and lose it all. And is it really worth the potential health problems if this isn't something your 100% invested in.

rolltide3's picture

I'm not saying he don't have a good foundation and might be committed but when people say stuff like that posting a pic really answers the question

irongame427's picture

I mean maybe, but regardless only being strict for 3 months is nothing. Its called a phase. I would wait and see if becomes a lifestyle. Ive been very serious about this for 3 years now no time off and i even worry that I will lose interest at some point and I would hate to have spend time using potentially harmful drugs for something I'm not gonna do forever. Dont get me wrong i absolutely love this lifestyle, i really dont have any other life besides it. But I know shit happens and things change. I really hope this passion burns strong forever cause i love it to much.

rolltide3's picture

Ya I've got an addictive personality like u. So if u keep your head on straight young sir. U will be very successful in the gym

irongame427's picture

We don't advise first cycles to use test prop. Injecting is something you have to work at and it's not all smooth in the begenning. Not to mention your first few injections of any gear is gonna leave you with crippling pip for a week and prop is notorious for being way worse. You need more then just glutes to inject. Minimum of 4 injection sites 6 is even better. Which meana you need more then just 1.5 inch needles those are only good for glutes. I been doing this for a while now and I'm on prop now and I'm so sick of injecting. You need to stash that prop away and grab some test e or c and run it at 500mgs for 12 weeks. I don't see any mention of pct, what do you have for it?

And your protein needs to increase to a minimum of 300g ed. 200 is way to low even for a natural. For a natural minimum of 1g per pound of body weight, but more is still better. But now your gonna be on steroids so your body is gonna be able to use wayyy more. On a cutting diet on steroids any less then 1.5g per lb and your short changing yourself. So that's 330g a day. Forget the 2100 calories, stick to 2500 a day so if you stall you have room to decrease. If you're starting at 2100 what are you gonna do drop below 2000 as a 200+lb male? That's way to low.

So in conclusion, forget the prop, grab some test e, tell me what your planning for pct, finish your antibiotics, get your diet in order and then start, but make sure you have everything on hand before you start that includes both the test and your pct.

BigEC's picture

I think I will wait a bit, and go with a test e, or c. I'm calling this a lifestyle change, not a diet, and I understand your concern. This isn't my first phase, but things are different now. I'm settling into a life with WAY more stability so I can sustain this from here on out.
I'll also get my protein, pct and ai in order.

PIN_CUSHION's picture

I would use long esters for your first cycle. Less pinning. Shorts for first time will be rough, especially 12 weeks. What are you using for estrogen control, and do you have your PCT?

McMeanie87's picture

Suggest as a first cycle to trash the short ester prop and run a long ester like test cyp or enthanate at 500mg a week (250mg shot Monday/250mg shot Thursday) for 10-12 weeks. Run an a.i like aromasin ed thru entire cycle to combat water retention and gyno..u have nothing in there about an a.i or a pct which is crucial to any cycle bro. You need to get clomid and.nolvadex and run them 3 weeks after your last test shot.take 100mg clomid/40mg nolvadex everyday for first two weeks and then drop to 50mg clomid/20 mg nolvadex last Two weeks..and honestly bro you should get down to 12-13% bf before u start to give urself a few months and keep doing research about a.i's and pct and hit the gym hard and keep ur diet on point and drop that body fat down a little bit.

PIN_CUSHION's picture

Bro, at least see if he knows about the different A/I's and dosing protocol and half lives. See if he has an understanding of PCT. You gave good advice, but make sure the OP at least does the research on his own. You kind of spoon fed him on this one.

McMeanie87's picture

True..didn't even occur to me.just wanted to steer him in the right direction

PIN_CUSHION's picture

You did.

BigEC's picture

I'll do the research. Nothing wrong with helping out.

PIN_CUSHION's picture

I agree. Sometimes guys just look for someone to tell them what to do without really understanding what it is they're taking and why.

BigEC's picture

I'll take that advice. Thanks for contributing!