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Acne Talk


Curious on everyone’s input regarding acne and Accutane.

I had terrible acne since I was a child — yes it’s hereditary. Took Accutane and eventually ramped up to my final dosage (80mg/day pharma), which I did for 8 months. Within two weeks of stopping, I started to get excessive amounts of acne again (while on cycle)

My question for you guys- other than changing sheets daily, showering twice a day, pinning daily and verifying your DHT isn’t through the roof… what else do you guys do to keep acne at bay, if not on Accutane?

I don’t mind taking it, but having to take such high dosages isn’t cheap.

Stokes500's picture

I have guys with the same issues, I was actually having a debate on here the other day with someone who was saying accutane was a permanent fix. My argument was exactly what your posting guys who use it clear up and stay on or get back on gear get it again if there prone to it. Honestly don’t have an answer for you as I have several guys in the same situation as you. These days seems to be a lot more accutane flying about my place , guys are on and of it constantly and it’s really hard on the body so they shouldn’t be, only time I see these guys clear up is while there off the gear or on the accutane

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Drexyl's picture

Don’t laugh, but try using Dawn dish soap. It’s a game changer. Also grab some cortizone cream. In some cases the acne is an inflammatory response. Matter of fact, try the cortizone first. Hopefully these two tips help ya out buddy

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Brolly6898's picture

If you cycle you will always get bad acne after you get off so im on t.r.t and dont get that nasty cyctic acne anymore

Brolly6898's picture

I use a benzoyl peroxide and glycolic acid from you leave it on your face

Bearded_muscle's picture

I would consider not using npp. It’s a 19-nor and they tend to make us more sensitive to estrogen, prolactin, and progesterone which means potentially more sides.

Also I always found hopping in the pool helped me a lot in high school. The chlorine kills everything so if your gym has a pool start throwing that in post workout and I bet it’ll help.

Stokes500's picture

We did 2 weeks in Antalya last summer , my son had bad teenage acne face back chest really bad he had been in everything from the doctor apart from accutane . Anyway 2 weeks swimming in that salty see every day and it was near cleared up , I put that down to the salt water so I bet the pool does help

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Perplexed's picture

I’ve thought about this a lot. But my body tolerates nandrolone extremely well, blood work wise.

If the worst I have to do is keep taking 80mg of accutane then I guess I will. I’d just prefer to get the acne under control without it

Bearded_muscle's picture

The health issues from nandrolone probably won’t show up on blood work, LVH and amyloid plaque development seem to be higher with nandrolone than other anabolics.

The issue with those two sides is they probably won’t really cause problems for 20 years and at that point it’s too late. Lvh can sometimes be reversed but the plaques on the brain aren’t going anywhere.

press1's picture

I was researching Progesterone quite a lot a few nights ago and it is actually a really useful hormone if you tolerate it well. Its a very strong natural inflammatory, so it works great to provide joint pain relief. I think this could be why people find Deca/NPP so good in this area. Its also a strong appetite booster which I agree with and its a feel good hormone too - where as estrogen decreases appetite and can make you feel sad. Obv leaking tits could be a problem if its something you get, seems to increase my sexual desire too rather than blunt it.

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Bearded_muscle's picture

It’s definitely not a bad thing if you can tolerate it. I remember listening to Chris Aceto say something along the lines of a lot of the biggest guys he’s met had gyno and eventually had gotten it removed. He thinks there’s a relationship between how sensitive you are to these traditionally classed “female hormones” and how much muscle you can ultimately grow on gear.

Rosschestzip's picture

Estrogen, keep that shit low. And what gear are you talking and what’s your pinning schedule? Splitting your dose into daily injections has helped tons of people eliminate their acne. Don’t be dosing 60mgs of test one day, skipping a day and then taking 80 and then 45. You want to do the exact amount everyday at the same time, this avoids hormone imbalances and makes a world of difference. Also for me I changed esters of testosterone and that helped and now that I have almost no acne if I see little bits popping up, I take an Ai and it goes away

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Perplexed's picture

Currently on 400 test c, 400 eq, 250 npp. I pin ED for all 3, I never miss injections and always do it at 645am every day. My estrogen is always between 50-60 pg/ml — similar to my baseline levels when cruising on just test.

My issue has always been oily skin, even before steroids. I do all the aforementioned things in hopes to mitigate it… but Accutane has been the only thing that works.

schecterc1h's picture

The e2 could be lower and I bet it would help your skin. 50-60 is good for gains but for me personally I get acne around there so I shoot for 20-35 pg/mL

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Rosschestzip's picture

Well goddamn son, looks like that’s a wrap. Lol in that case have you tried, benzoyl peroxide? Or tanning? Or going swimming in the ocean? The sun and ocean is amazing for the skin, not just salt water but theres so much more in the ocean water than just salt, it’s like alive with all the bacteria and micro organisms and shit, I grew up near the beach and in high school I had bad acne. My mom would pull up to the beach on our way home from somehwere and I’d run and jump in real quick just to get it on my skin and I’d wake up the next day with a huge improvement

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schecterc1h's picture

This 100%
My skin is clearer now on 25mg test daily than it was when I went off completely and had low natural levels.
Also, if you still have issues, you can dose Accutane at 10mg two or three times a week. None of the side effects but it keeps the oil production down enough to keep things clear.

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