diablomeister's picture
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Guys who have dealt with Persistent Acne


So as far as sides goes I have been able to get everything under control except for the acne I get on my back and shoulders/upper arms.

I have tried showering twice a day, that doesn't really seem to matter. I have read a lot of post but they are old, from people saying to take some Vitamin A, but I have not tried this yet. I am going to start hitting the tanning bed tomorrow in a 'last ditch' effort to try and rid/ or lighten this acne. I guess there is always Acutane, but I would rather not go that route.

Anyone that has had bad acne, which has 'cured' it one cycle have any helpful hints? This is my 3rd cycle, and it is getting to be an issue I would like to remedy.

Thanks eroiders.

mg233680's picture

I didnt read all the response so I am not sure if someone has mentioned it yet but my girl had some proactiv solution laying around that she wasnt using anymore so I figured if it worked for the beautiful Jessica Simpson it should help my ugly ass out a little bit. It has cleared me up and kept new acne from showing up. I would say that you should use it at least once a day before bed is the best time because you dont want all the dirt to sit on your body overnight. If you sleep without a shirt on make sure you are changing or washing your sheets on a regular basis as well. I hope all this info helped you out brotha!

xrayoptics's picture

Guys have a look...my upper back and shoulders are riddled with ance. Last weekend my girl gave me a bottle of her acne meds called doxycycline. The stuff fricken works for me and noticed a significant reduction after day 4. I also use a body wash by Neutrogena that has Salicyclic acid 2%. In essence the meds are attacking the acne internally and the Salicyclic acid is attacking it externally. If this info helps any of you hit me up with some karma points...appreciated. Biggrin

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diablomeister's picture


SO far here is what I have found out.

Tea Tree oil is the best and drying out these cycle acne flare ups, Proactive works well too but has a bad habit of bleaching non-white shirts or non-white sheets/towels.

Tanning is working great 2 times a week to kill what I am assuming is bacterial causes acne.

I am getting a few here and there now, mostly on shoulders and traps, but nothing at all close to what I had.

My wife says in 2.5-3 weeks I have close to 85% recovered and it still gets better everyday, some slight scars but the tanning really helps.

FWIW that info might help some of you, I apply the ointments every other day/everyday depending on what things are looking like.

ZumoSol's picture

Roaccutan worked always perfect to me.

diablomeister's picture


SO been tanning twice now, and have been using a benzol cream on my back and things are really starting to look positive even for under a week of treatment. should have been more proactive about this months ago.

The worst acne I have ever had, they are deep and full of life lol.

mhman's picture

At what point did your acne really flare up and what were you cycling with ?

diablomeister's picture

about a month after I first started to feel the cycle, which was my first of Test C @ 500/wk.

Never went away or got better on a long cruise, which I attribute to having been cruising on higher than normal test levels for me.

So next time I cruise I will use 150mg/ wk and see how that does.

diablomeister's picture


So Far in the last 3 days I have gone tanning, used tea tree oil on my back and used proactive (benzyl peroxide) and I notice it getting better, at least the swelling and redness. My wife also said it looks a lot better, I know it is early to see real results but things are looking up, will update as things get better or worse.

mhman's picture

Beat myself up trying to find the origin of my acne bro, this is what worked for me.


( If this link fails, cut and paste to your browser )

damianofhades's picture

This might sound odd, but for me I started showering three times a day minimum, and stopped using any kind of soap. I use really hot water, then scrub with a loofah and a back brush. Not one of the girly loofahs, but one that is hard like an exfoliator, (careful around your package). Then rinse for a couple minutes with cold water to close your pores and bring down your body temperature. You dont want to start sweating right out of the shower. Also, if you dry sauna, shower before and after. you dont want your pores opening up while you are dirty. Same for a hard workout. If you can, shower before you start sweating. Swimming in the chlorinated pools helps some people too. No Soaps. Be sure to wear deodorant though.

damianofhades's picture

Soap just isn't natural. So it makes sense to lose it. It either dries your skin which activates your oil glands, or it moisturizes your skin, which causes more dirt and grime to cling and get into your pores. If your skin is having issues, less is more. Please continue to use deodorant and toothpaste; if not for yourself, do it for me.

damianofhades's picture

Now I'm thinking about six year olds and menstrual cycles, thanks. These posts are like a box of chocolates.....

WashingtonsGreedy's picture

yea man not a single product helps me, and i wouldnt resort to prescription america for help. ive just come to accept it as "it is what it is." when the sun heats things up i tend to do my cardio outside with my shirt off as an extra effort at naturally tanning, and thats the only thing that helps minimize it. but my backne never goes away, it seems to get worse following pct, good thing summer is around the corner.

Nitti's picture

I am one of the ppl who are already prone to bacne. I get horrible cystic acne on my back especially on tren. I've run different anti biotics ,prescribed topicals, nothing really worked. It was suggested I use Accutane by my dermatologist. I refused to sign the waiver. I'm sure it would help but just the possibility of the side effects is enough to say "eehh I'll pass"! The only thing that has worked 100% thus far is ultra violet light. That's right, the tanning salon. I do the beat I can to keep my blood levels stable and go to the tanning salon 2-3x a week. Works great for me. No signs of acne in weeks. I recommend it to anyone. I don't care if you're white as a sheet of paper or black as Wesley snipes. Ultra violet light will help

diablomeister's picture

Yeah I am looking at that is a very last resort. The place I get my PCT from has tons of creams to offer, and other things as well, and also accutane if I feel it comes to that. I started some tea tree oil treatment last night and will tan starting today. Already the redness and swelling is gone by 1/2 on my back and shoulders which is nice since it is the best improvement I have seen in a while.

Ill keep this post updated with success or failure whichever it is.

realsht69's picture

Dont let people scare you about accutane, i mean yes its harsh stuff but just make sure you go to a good dermatologist so he can monitor side effects, everything has side effects and different people react differently to different substances. Just because you see a commercial on tv doesnt make it true. If you've tried everything and nothing works, accutane will do the job. My acne is gone and it was baaaaadddd. Definately a last resort medication tho

z400csracing's picture

I had real bad acne as a young teen. had to do 2 5 month accutane cycles. worked wonders. barley get acne anymore. but do get a slight bit on cycle

realsht69's picture

had the same issue man, i ended up going with the accutane. if nothing works do the accutane, it does what its supposed to and im glad i did it. Just dont cycle any orals while on it!

diablomeister's picture

sounds good. Did you get it from a Doctor or did you find a source yourself? If if you find the source, mind sharing?

I have looked around and see people who take 40mg a week which is very low and report that works, and there is no sides with it then. So I might get some and see, if a month of tanning + tea tree oil and other ointments doesn't work I will do that.

realsht69's picture

i just got it from a doctor. Its very easy to get a prescription (atleast it was for me). i went in to the dermatologist once, he gave me some paperwork and stuff to read over and next visit to his office he gave me the script! I'm on my last month of my 6 month cycle of 40mg. If you do decide to do it i'd get it from a doctor b/c he can monitor side effects and whatnot to make sure everythings going well.

Bigsuperduty's picture

I've tried using bodywash formulated to get rid of acne, apple cider vinegar, was unable to totally control my back-ne problem, finally resorted to tanning and it took care of it.

diablomeister's picture

Well I hope it is that simple for me, I do not understand how some people get acne and so don't. oh well

diablomeister's picture

SO i have found two more possible things to try, Anti-fungal ointment, or anti bacterial ointments, and possibly taking a course or two of antibiotics.

I am determined to beat this as it is the only downside to cycling for me.