Pharmatest e 500 ( Test Enanthate)

Pharmatest e 500 product specifications
Common name Test Enanthate
Manufacturer Pharmacom Labs
Substance Testosterone Enanthate
Packaging 10ml Vial (500mg/ml)
Drug class anabolic steroids
Drug Type Injectable Steroids
Typical dosage 500-1500 mg/week
Half-Life 5-7 days
Acne Yes
Hepatotoxicity No
Aromatization Yes
Water retention Yes
jezzais1337's picture

I have used this many times but just a warning that the pip can be pretty bad compared to some others (in my experience). However, this is some of the best test-e you can get imo.

Wallace lloyd's picture

I took 10ml water based test suspension and wow made me EXTREMELY TESTY ! But crazy workouts but con
You can't sir down cause pip is a 10 out of 10 ! Test enanthate 250 was great ! I ran 1000mgs every 5 days along with anadrol 50-100-150-100-50 for 4 weeks . Gained 125 lbs. In bench press ! Surprised myself at 47 pressing 405 2 times . Gained 17 lbs so far , imagine I'll piss around 30% of water retention . Not sure what I'm doing next ? Any ideas ?

Gizmo11111's picture

I have used this in the past with great results. Strength and mass instead were good. However a lot of size was water retention. Held quite a lot of water with this. Ended up running letrozole with it to reduce some of the puffiness. I felt good on it and no pip. There are better out there but was still a good course.

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