Decan 300 ( Deca Durabolin)

Decan 300 product specifications
Common name Deca Durabolin
Manufacturer Para Pharma
Substance Nandrolone Decanoate
Packaging 10ml Vial (300mg/ml)
Drug class anabolic steroids
Drug Type Injectable Steroids
Typical dosage 300-600 mg/week
Half-Life 6-7 days
Acne Rarely
Hepatotoxicity Low
Aromatization Low
Water retention High
Spongebobx's picture

Been using this exact compound for quite sometimes now. It do help my joints alot when going on higher lifts, especially when I do deadlifts and benchpress. Gives a fuller look and feeling for that cause and helps during the entire blast for me personally.

Larson4048's picture

Love this product I mainly use it for ,or joint and muscle soreness after akiller lift, I noticed that also it was good to help Retain water and look fuller.
Immediately after I started using the product I could go to the gym every single day and hit it just as hard every time and not be sore or have to worry about a certain muscle group that was sore from the day before I could just smash smash smash I strongly recommend deck of durable and over NPP any day.

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