Clenbuterol 40 ( Clenbuterol)

Clenbuterol 40 product specifications
Common name Clenbuterol
Manufacturer Para Pharma
Substance Clenbuterol
Packaging 100 x 40mcg Pills
Drug class beta-2
Drug Type Weight Management
Typical dosage 80-140 mcg/day
Half-Life 48-72 hours
Acne No
Hepatotoxicity No
Aromatization No
Water retention No
Cfit777's picture

Idk if it’s just me, but I took clen from a legit source (my buddy used it and it worked wonders for him), and felt almost nothing. Titrated up to 100mcg a day and I wouldn’t get any increase in heart rate or any of the usual sides, I just couldn’t sleep at night. I don’t know if everyone reacts different, but if anyone can help me figure out why, please reply.

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