Anavar 10 ( Anavar)

Anavar 10 product specifications
Common name Anavar
Manufacturer Para Pharma
Substance Oxandrolone
Packaging 100 x 10mg Pills
Drug class anabolic steroids
Drug Type Oral Steroids
Typical dosage 30-50 mg/day
Half-Life 9 hours
Acne Rarely
Hepatotoxicity Low
Aromatization No
Water retention No
Orangetang800's picture

Got 20mg of liquid anavar has a orange alcohol taste with white crystals floating around in it also light orange in color 50ml bottle, on the back it says other ingredients include alcohol and aminos store in a dark cool place I'm taking .25 before workout and .25 at night the source is from global pharmaceuticals it's a blue label with a picture of earth it's day 4 or 5 on this stuff and what I feel mostly so far is my appetite is suppressed not much else will it take more time ? Is this normal? Based on what I described do you think it's legit?
Thank you for any opinions

Agon_74's picture

How many milligrams of anavar is a good starting point for a person who never used it before?can I stack it with tren and sustanon?

JakeKO's picture

One very important question for you. What is your body fat at? If it isn’t low, do not expect the aesthetics that Anavar is known for. It works wonders beneath the service but isn’t going to rip you up like everyone says it will if your body fat isn’t low. I’m not the leanest guy, not yet at least, I’m definitely getting there, but everything I wrote above is from personal experience on at least four different occasions at 50mg per day.

hassan1999's picture

Hello, how much is this product for. How long does it take to ship to California

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