posted Sat, 07/17/2021 - 17:43
Test Cypionate by Ultima Pharma
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Very effective and only one shot a week
Legit products
None with 1ml intramuscular
Would definitely recommend was doing more of trt cycle to get my body back in to conditioning
Definitely Effective, ran for 16 weeks and bench went from 365x2 to 385x6
Blood work prep and post, test levels were 1971ng/dl
Very smooth no pip, I pin quads as well and had no issues
Very Clean, Happy overall. Smooth shots, libido was up, aggression in gym was noticeable
As stated, I made good gains using it. I got the usual sides from good test with it, including sensitive nipples and acne.
Although there have been quite a few reviews stating it was bunk or underdosed, I found it to be very effective.
Side effects included nipple sensitivity at about weeks 4-6. PIP was pretty much nonexistent. The only soreness I got from the injection was minimal and probably user error.
Overall, Ultima Test Cyp worked as intended. I made some strong gains from running it for a cycle. There was little to no PIP. I was worried from all the negative comments, but I recieved good, quality gear.
1629 total test on 500mgs? Terribly under dosed. My 180mg a week trt dose produces higher total T.
None. not using any of the remaining vials I have. Don't waste your money.
None, becasue there is almost no test in the injections.
I have been taking 500 mgs a week for the past 6 weeks and my blood results came back at 1629.
Late last year I used another UGL at 400mg a week and was at 4949 after 6 weeks.
Don't waste your money on Ultima
There are other people who have had questionable blood results with other batch numbers.
I started using it at my prescribed trt dose and noticed absolutely no difference between it and my prescription that comes from the compounding pharmacy in terms of effects. I have just as much energy, sex drive as well as goal oriented drive between the 2. The only difference is that i need slightly less oil with the Ultima as it's 250mg vs 200mg from the pharmacy.
It is what it says it is and i've got the blood work to prove it. I chose this brand because of the recommendation of the vendor i was dealing with. I asked for if there was a preferred brand between 2 or 3 different brands they offered and this is the one they said was the most popular. I can understand why it's so popular now. Good price point and performs as you'd expect.
Absolutely no side effects or PIP from using this product.
Just a quick write up on my experience with Ultima Test C 250 I picked up from pmroids that i've been using for about 2 months now. I have been quite pleased with this product over all and would def recommend it to someone who was considering it.
I've since upped the dosage and added a couple other compounds i already had in my possession. Below i'll link to the pic of my bloodwork done after about 4 weeks running my typical 150mg/wk dose. In another few weeks i'll get some more bloodwork done to see how it performs at the higher dosage with the added compounds and will post something else up once I have the test results in hand.