Testoviron-e 300
Test Enanthate by Pharmaqo

category count / average
Effectiveness 10 1 Credibility 10 1 Side Effects / Pip 10 1 Overall 10 1
Davey1121's picture
Product Effectiveness
No votes yet

Nice gains at a medium dose 400 mg split x 2

Product Credibility
No votes yet

Nice & smooth.

Side effects and PIP
No votes yet

Mild pip to start. Went away after few weeks

Final Verdict
No votes yet

Used at 200mg x 2 week. Got good gains.
Bloods came back at 128nmol in trough. Little bit pippy to start but got better after 3 or 4 shots. 1st time on cycle in long time. Made some nice gains

I recommend this product!
Pflo's picture
+ 1
Product Effectiveness
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Very effective got the results I expected at various doses

Product Credibility
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Pharmaqo is very credible & has been a brand that’s been in this space for a very long time

Side effects and PIP
Average: 10 (1 vote)

No pip, and no side effects. Used an AI and I was dialed in

Final Verdict
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Pharmaqo Test E 300 is all around great

I recommend this product!
  • [SRC] Mr.PQR » Thanks bro
Waynesworld's picture
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trevor1982's picture
+ 1
Product Effectiveness
No votes yet

Test e works great. I adjusted the dose to my trt dosage and my blood work was the same as on dr prescribed test c

Product Credibility
No votes yet

Fell great on it

Side effects and PIP
No votes yet

The pip is a little worse than my pharmacy trt test but nothing horrible

Final Verdict
No votes yet

Tested good with roid test

Additional comments

Tested 200+ mg with a roid test

I recommend this product!
Micozane2022's picture
+ 1
Product Effectiveness
No votes yet


Product Credibility
No votes yet

I loved it

Side effects and PIP
No votes yet

You will need to cut it with grape seed or tren pip is always bad with overdosed test as in t400

Final Verdict
No votes yet

I got there super sust 400 it’s the best test I’ve had in years causes pip like any strong t400
I’ve had nothing decent for a year because I lost my old contact. Would recommend 1 ml twice a week I put on 10kg! Don’t believe all the B.S on here I have the bottles to prove it’s real
Pharmaqo! I have no axe to grind this is the best test I’ve had since I lost my pharma connect!!!

I recommend this product!
Shred777's picture
+ 6
Product Effectiveness
Average: 1 (1 vote)

None. It's fake gear.

Product Credibility
Average: 1 (1 vote)

It was fake.
I switched to this Test and upped my dosage and it did nothing. Then I crashed my E because my AI was from a different brand and legit and this Test E 300 was completely bunk.

Side effects and PIP
Average: 1 (1 vote)

PIP and nothing else.

Final Verdict
Average: 1 (1 vote)

100% Bunk! Lab ran by a proven liar and scammner.

Additional comments

PharmaQo is currently the worst lab listed on eroids. The lab's page has reviews and comments from members who were scammed, sold under-dosed, bunk gear, or some combination. Mr.PQR has posted fraudulent Jano tests several times and been caught and exposed for doing so 2 or 3 times by independent member testing. The lab is a scam ran by an immature kid that trolls eroids.

I do not recommend this product!
  • User551 » wheres ur lab. monkey?
  • Rustyhooker » @user551 i see youre back. Im on it...
  • User551 » on what. gymcel ?
  • Rustyhooker » Just you
  • User551 » just me what? huh monkey?
  • Rustyhooker » Oh
  • User551 » :)
  • Achak » Just shows fancy packaging doesn't mean quality product.
  • Badgoat1 » Yea my first run with them was great gear my second run I bought 6 vials and it's been a nightmare keeping everything running smooth. Recently switched to another source and 3 shots in already seeing a difference in my erections. But no other noticeable effects yet
  • TABMEISTER » Sorry man, that sucks! Yesterday when placing an order I was deciding between PharmaQo and Ultima, I ended up going with Ultima. Seems like I made the right decision.
  • Drol 250 » This is terrible news. It's a shame it has to come down to things like this to get the truth out. I'm sorry that you had to go through it bro.
  • Anon » Thanks bro. It turns out PharmaQo labs is run by a stalking lunatic and snitch too. I just learned that Mr.PQR who runs PharmaQo labs is so upset with my honest review that he has been posting about me on his telegram a lot! His telegram is linked to his eroids source page. He stole my self pics from eroids and posted them on his telegram. He also has another guy's personal information including home address, phone number, and social network face pics posted there too. I believe that guy was a member of the eroids community. MR.PQR with PharmaQo labs is a snitch, stalker, troll, scammer, liar...he's a complete scumbag. @BFG @Greg Mr.PQR is using Eroids to get views at his telegram where he is breaking Eroids website rules by posting stolen content from Eroids and the personal shipping/home addresses of people. A source listed on Eroids is literally a snitch posting home addresses and using Eroids to get views of this. The source is a stalking lunatic and scammer.
  • LondonGeordie » This lab is a bit of hit and miss I’ve tried a few of their orals but no oils. Anavar was good but not amazing. Nolva was bunk didn’t do anything. Adrol didn’t do much either from what I remember. Can’t say I’ll be trying any oils in the future lol
  • Anon » I had the PharmaQo Anavar 50 and it was completely fake. I ate 100mgs a day for over 2 weeks and didn't even get any sides. The scamming is selective.
  • LondonGeordie » Nothing worse than spending your hard earned money on shite and bunk gear. It’s good that these guys are getting called out and the community will know what scum these guys are !
  • HighDosePEDuser » Have you seen pictures of shred? He doesn't look like he eats alot of food or even lift. His reviews are based on feelings, he never posts his bloods.
  • [SRC] Mr.PQR » True
neepin's picture
+ 2
Product Effectiveness
No votes yet

Product works and effectiveness can be seen in few weeks of use. I took 900mg and really enjoyed. The mental and physical boost is obvious and something you do not get without high testosterone.

Product Credibility
No votes yet

Packaging, product presentation and verification codes all look professional.

Side effects and PIP
No votes yet

NO PIP. Side effects of high testosterone like acne, dripping oily skin, aggression, fast facial hair growth, strong body smell and unwanted random erections. I had water retention which was keeping blood pressure high. I had to take meds to control BP.

Final Verdict
No votes yet

Effective and good product. I got expected results.

I recommend this product!
Ms WorkerBee's picture
+ 2
Product Effectiveness
No votes yet

product was effective because when i start to feel a mood change, my muscle memory starts to feel full, and the pumps are great. My parts i work on feel so tight and pumped its a good feeling.

Product Credibility
No votes yet

Again very nice professional packaging, bar codes, shiny layers, nice security measures. different than most looking bottles.

Side effects and PIP
No votes yet

Pinned in my butt no problem, Drew up the oil in a 21 gauge, and pinned with a 25 gauge all smooth. Maybe 2 times out of 10 some minor itching and temporary burning nothing major.

Final Verdict
No votes yet

First thing i notice is the packaging, very professional and looks like they put work in the packaging. Along with that 600mgs per week i had 2 bottles of this brand at the time. The oil was clear and almost like a shiny thicker water. Nice and easy to draw. It took me about 2 weeks to fully get into high test mode, although i felt it within the first week it felt like something strong was coming on. Week 2 my body was used to it. I do not aromatize much, little water retention, and felt dosed proper or a little more than 300. Very horny and erections like mad.

Additional comments

You get what you pay for. Usually. Solid product and if i could afford it all the time i would stick with this brand

I recommend this product!
  • Anon » No Eroids street cred. No gear pic of this product or any gear. You been a member 2 weeks and made 6 forum posts for karma. 1 review and now this too. Seen this all before. I got a hunch this ain't your first account on Eroids. I'm pretty certain I seen this typing before.
  • mightymike5243 » Would love to see your bloods to back up your original claim that this gear is fake. All the blood work I have ever seen from people taking it have been great. Everyone I know who uses it loves it and has never had a negative complaint about it. Maybe it’s just the source u are getting it from because my source has been on point with their gear for the last 5 years now and it’s been pharmaqo 90 percent of the time.
  • HighDosePEDuser » How about you post a picture of your physique, make sure the lights on the camera, I know its dark down there in mothers basement
  • press1 » Brilliant Test E!! Always feel great using this stuff.
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