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You will be recommending (or not) this product to other users by explaining in detail your impressions, experience, effects, and results.
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If you would like to simply discuss this product, Testoform Enanthate has a dedicated discussion section for questions and answers.
Sun and Steel
07/13/2024 - 20:19
+ 2
Product Effectiveness
Average: 10(1 vote)
I generally use it for TRT, and my blood work at 250 a week is about 1,100 total testosterone. When I go higher, it goes up as expected. I’ll see if I can post one of my bloodwork papers stating as much.
Product Credibility
Average: 10(1 vote)
The product is credible and reliable. I’ve never had a problem, and the friends I know who use it haven’t either. Sciroxx has earned my trust.
Side effects and PIP
Average: 10(1 vote)
My experience with T is that you’re asking for sides if you go higher than 300, and the times I’ve done that I’ve had to throw some AI on it. As for PIP, it’s zero for me. Smooth and painless.
Final Verdict
Average: 10(1 vote)
Been using Sciroxx Testodex (Testoform) E for years now and have never been disappointed. What can I say, it works. It’s the real deal.
Additional comments
I’m attaching a sample of my blood work at 300-350 weekly in divided doses.
First time users are strongly discouraged from writing a review for this product!
Colorful language is fine, but there is no need for harassment, threats, hate speech or displays of bigotry.
You will be recommending (or not) this product to other users by explaining in detail your impressions, experience, effects, and results.
Do not post personal information, payment methods used, emails, tracking numbers and similar content.
If you would like to simply discuss this product, Testoform Enanthate has a dedicated discussion section for questions and answers.
I generally use it for TRT, and my blood work at 250 a week is about 1,100 total testosterone. When I go higher, it goes up as expected. I’ll see if I can post one of my bloodwork papers stating as much.
The product is credible and reliable. I’ve never had a problem, and the friends I know who use it haven’t either. Sciroxx has earned my trust.
My experience with T is that you’re asking for sides if you go higher than 300, and the times I’ve done that I’ve had to throw some AI on it. As for PIP, it’s zero for me. Smooth and painless.
Been using Sciroxx Testodex (Testoform) E for years now and have never been disappointed. What can I say, it works. It’s the real deal.
I’m attaching a sample of my blood work at 300-350 weekly in divided doses.