Pharmatest 100 oil base
Test Suspension by Pharmacom Labs

category count / average
Effectiveness 10 1 Credibility 10 1 Side Effects / Pip 10 1 Overall 10 1
TheNewOne's picture
+ 1
Product Effectiveness
No votes yet

.5 to 1ml 2hours pre workout gives you the feeling a natty thinks how test is you feel like youre the king and untouchable lol. Gives me good strenght boost and amazing focus like a stim, i can workout 2hours with that without getting tired. Only downside is you cant use it everyday just 1-2 times a week is what i would recommend

Product Credibility
No votes yet

Make sure you check the product code on the offical pharmacom site then you know if its legit.

Side effects and PIP
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Not much pip with that just make sure u dont inject into a virgin muscle and i also would recommend to heat that oil little bit up before injecting.

Final Verdict
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One of my favorite pre workouts

I recommend this product!
press1's picture
+ 5
Product Effectiveness
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Very Very Good, this is almost the best pre-workout there is New russian The only time I have used slightly better but now it is discontinued is a Test Base & Dbol mix. Pin 1ml of this bad boy 1 hr before training a big compound such as Deads, Squats or Bench and feel how it is to be Superman lifting shit like its half the effort and weight I kid you not. First of all it tightens up your CNS and spine, then it aids in power and muscle contraction involved during the actual lift - then aerobically gives you tonnes more energy - where you would normally be gasping for breath and winded its virtually none existent. However its so good at this, that its drawback is it can become VERY addictive!! Because all of your PR's will instantly go up by kg's at a time you'll need to shoot it before each session to carry on beating them!! LOL It can form a mental block also where because you do not feel as confident without it, you can almost tell yourself that you cannot lift without it in you. Best thing is to buy say 2 vials at a time which is 20 workouts worth, then give it a period of time off to catch up with those lifts and to climatize again to lifting without it. I can't say I have tried to use it only as a cycle on its own yet as to do so requires pinning it 3 times daily to keep constant blood hormone levels. I can imagine its very up and down in terms of how you feel rather than a steady hormone feeling. Nonetheless though, despite those tiny negatives its still an awesome experience to lift on it - any of you who have yet to train on Base or Suspension buy a few vials and discover a different level of training altogether compared to anything you have EVER experienced.

Product Credibility
Average: 10 (1 vote)

As with all Pharmacom products make sure you CHECK the authenticity of it by scratching off the silver panel and typing in the code into the Pharmacom website. Do NOT just assume that the product will be genuine because it is coming from an Official Pcom reseller - I've had many bad fakes come from various sources over the years who unbelievably thought I was stupid enough to think it was the real deal. Many seem to have a stash of real vials and Fakes and try to test you out initially to see if you know your stuff.

EVERY Pcom vial should have Product EXP, Batch number, MFG Date and numbers underneath the barcode. If you keep your empties like I do have a look through some of them and I guarantee some will just have the barcode but no numbers underneath it as well as Batch No. and MFG date missing!! The fakes always come in slightly different shaped vials at the neck just underneath the stopper - the Flip cap also has blockier capital lettering on it than the real thing. Fakes also have no writing underneath the silver scratch off panel as well as almost being impossible to scratch off.

'Protection Code' will also be written with Code underneath protection on the real deal - Fakes have this all on one line side by side.

The Three blue Pharmacom lines are much bigger on the real vials too on the reverse of the label sticker that are visible inside the vial with the oil.

Yes its fair to say I am good at spotting Pcom Fakes LMAO

Side effects and PIP
Average: 10 (1 vote)

I can't really say I've ever noticed PIP with this product but then I never get it from Test prop either - I guess its down to how sensitive you are in general to short or Non-estered compounds. As this is only really in your system for around 4 hours I've never found it has increased blood pressure or the need for extra A.I. If you pinned it 5 times a week some would say its an extra 500mg extra test per week but I never count it like that, its just purely there for the workout period really. One side you do notice quite predominantly is the comedown from it around 6 to 8 hours later as when it is in your system you feel so euphoric and 'high' that the sudden drop off is quite dramatic - but you can't expect this not to happen in reality from such an intense hit of testosterone.

Final Verdict
Average: 10 (1 vote)

This is AWESOME Test Base - Probably the best I've ever used. Hits almost as quick as it's Water based Big brother give or take a few minutes and without the need to 21G Harpoon your ass only for the bugger getting stuck in the pin anyway after sticking in all 1.5 inches of her!

Additional comments

This is a great Test Base by one of the Best and longest Labs in the business. What also makes it so special as opposed to so many others is the fact it is NOT in Guaiacol so you have none of the taste during your workout at the back of your throat!! No faffing about with Water suspension and the risk of infection from a vial that has been open for too long, it also pins very easily through a 25G orange and can be mixed in with other similar compounds in the barrel. One of the things I also find Base useful for too is when I am using some really bad under dosed prop. As there is generally an 8 hour delay between pinning prop and it coming into force a quick shot of Test Base can immediately bring your test level back up to the point where you can also train if you wish to Smile

I recommend this product!
  • OlympicLats » Yes that Oil Base is gold in my opinion, great compound!
  • WILDCARD1 » Thanks for the solid info I have been looking into that compound from that manufacturer over the last 2 weeks
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