posted Fri, 10/29/2021 - 07:25

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Only using 2iu/daily, I'm still at the lower end of the spectrum but have been very satisfied & have no plans of discontinuing
They have always responded quickly - .seamless communication and experience
No detected side effects
The quality of this product great. I have used HGH for several years - 2iu/day & I feel much better mentally and physically. I've also noticed increased lean muscle and decreased fat levels.
Great overall satisfaction - after trying several other brands and sources, I've found what works best for me and have no plans changing
The quality of the products is very good, I use HGH for long time. Just 1iu/day I feel much better and deeper sleep. Increasing the dosage I feel stronger and leaner. It does what it have to do.
Support by email very fast. Fluid communication. Working with them for many years.
No detected side effect
I've been using them for the better part of 4 years, so that should say it all. I've also referred numerous friends and family members because I love their product and I will continue using it in the future. Highly recommended.
Great satisfaction overall, will not be ordering from another source. Highly recommended
always stay below 14% bf, at age 42, 5'10, 220 and 14% bf at most if not lower at times, couldn't b happier
get labs done every 6 months for HRT, always tests high. have turned all my friends onto them as well due to cost and quality
No sides except when was taking 4iu minor numbness in fingers, but when dropped to 2iu no sides
5/5. Just as good as i was getting from my hrt doctor but 1/4 the price. have been using this hgh for 7 years, out of the 20 brands or so ive tried ill never use another brand
BEST HGH hands down. 5/5. beats my HRT doc in quality and $.
Labs speak for themselves
email support, less than 24 hours
no negative side effects
Ordered godtropin 3 times. Did bloodwork after about 4 months on the HGH taking 3 to 4 IU per day in muscle/glute. IGF-1 went from 68 to 187. Had been on testosterone for years. I stay 700-900 and test every 6 months. I noticed my free testosterone went up to 358 which was 100 plus more than average last 10 years or so. I don't know if that has anything to do with HGH/IGF1 but its the only thing i changed. If anyone has feedback about that, I would welcome it. Might be nothing, I'll check again in 6 months. I plan to continue using godtropin. I'm not having any negative side effects such as carpel tunnel, etc... Feedback on dose amount also welcome. When I order from godt240 which is now godbiolabs, I get delivery in about 7 to 9 days after sending payment. I also use medrx and pharmacom for supplements but delivery is usually 30 plus days. If godbiolabs expands product line and maintains service levels I would use them even more. I was on Qtropin but the site roidsource just disappeared and support fell off the planet no idea what happened but found godtropin which is even better.
Adding additional feedback per eroids staff:
How do you feel on this stuff, tired, horny, aggressive, no change? GH doesn't necessarily cause aggressive behavior and symptoms like that. My HGH IGF1 labs are now like a teenagers level and I'm 51. I know that my cells are healthier and my anatomy will repair/rejuvenate like a more youthful person. I feel amazing, energy levels great.
How much weight and/or size did you gain? I've lost body fat and I wasn't overweight by any standard. I run all year round under 10 percent body fat but my abs are more shredded than ever without changing anything else.
How is your appetite? My appetite is increased because my activity is increased because I feel great.
Body fat up or down? body fat down near 7 percent which is lowest I would ever go with purpose
PIP, Acne? no problems with PIP or acne by adding this. its very smooth, thin, not an oil base so injects very easy
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You know the product is legit when you get Carpal tunnel , had to decrease the dose slightly which sorted it out
As mentioned above
no pip /
Used Godtropin a few times now , did used to come with labelling but recently comes in plain bottles, I normally do 6 months on , PREP for my summer look . 2.4iu to 4 iu first thing in the mornings no breakfast for 1 hr . 5 days on 2 day break . I was taking test also which worked great , leaned out and packed on muscle . Anyone thinking about using Godtropin do it you wont be disappointed .
You know the product is legit when you get Carpal tunnel , had to decrease the dose slightly which sorted it out
Customer service has always been good have no complaints, product is value for money and legit
Did get CTS so had to decrease the dose , but that is a sign its legit
Used Godtropin a few times now , did used to come with labelling but recently comes in plain bottles, I normally do 6 months on , PREP for my summer look . 2.4iu to 4 iu first thing in the mornings no breakfast for 1 hr . 5 days on 2 day break . I was taking test also which worked great , leaned out and packed on muscle . Anyone thinking about using Godtropin do it you wont be disappointed .
More muscle fullness and general growth, getting leaner on a caloric surplus. Better sleep overall.
Definitely dosed at or above the 24ius per vial. The blood tests don't lie.
Zero pip, perfect solubility of product. Better sleep, I get some numbness in arms and swelling in hands and feet upon awakening, and occasionally numbness in fingers at my job. A little bit of hand cramping at times. Skin has a glow to it
Definitely satisfied with the purchase. Bloodwork came back verifying it's purity and getting all the benefits and expected side effects that come with real gh. My go to source from now on
Definitely the best price plus equal or greater quality than the other sources I've used. Super simple transaction, great communication, and I get my package within a week of ordering in the US. IGF1 came back at 395 from 4ius split twice a day. Recently ramped up to 6ius. More muscle fullness and getting leaner.
Real HGH, for sure. Have not gotten labs done yet, but can feel the CTS if I go over 3 IU. When I do my quarterly labs I'll post blood work.
I wanted to purchase once before going all-out. I'm the kind of guy who would prefer to work with one source for years than constantly be shopping around. As long as the pricing/value stays the same, I will be going through Godtropin for all future GH purchases. This sounds corny but this is a big deal for me due to some medical issues.
Minor Pip on a few injections, changed locations and technique and it decreased. I'm not expecting Pfizer-grade but Ideally I'm looking for >97.5% purity ratings and this is more than likely in that range.
Five star, seamless experience for ordering. Zero complaints.
Fit in the mailbox. Vacuum sealed, well insulated.
Excellent. Communication was quick, and they even were willing to accommodate a last-minute request for shipping.
I have never use another gh source. I recently traveled overseas and lost some mass and gained some fat. Got back to the program for the past 5 weeks and gained some weight back. Getting back to shape with EOD of gh with 4 units per day. I have always like the EOD program. Not a big fan of the needle.
Always vacuum sealed and high quality
All the good side effects such as fat reduction especially around the belly button. I do not get the numb hands and fingers others have reported. No PIP
I have been using these guys for over 3 years now and the quality is always the best. They are number one for a reason..
They are the best and the quality is always top notch
Very effective in rejuvenating the body. Overall sense of well being increased, better sleep quality, skin tightened, hair has grown back some - certainly not losing any more which is great! As one gets older the body begins to break down or heal slower. With HGH - Godtropin the aging process is a lot less. I don't even need Botox now.
I haven't noticed any dramatic fat loss but I've been eating a lot of junk over the Holidays.
Better then any gray, black, yellow or blue tops I ran in the past. I'm getting better results from 4 u.i. then I did from 2 u,i of Humatrope. High quality product.
None except sleepiness during the day when I started and carpel tunnel syndrome in my left hand. It's all good...
I've tried numerous brands of HGH over the years. From generic grey, blue, yellow, black tops to Humatrope and Omnitrope but nothing even comes close to Godtropin in terms of quality, price per UI, and great results. I knew I was deficient at the beginning because I never felt "good", hair was falling out, could only lift once a week, couldn't sleep etc.
Started at 2.4 u.i per day for a month and within a month I felt much better in terms of sleep quality and overall outlook on life. I've been on TRT for 12 years now. I've moved to 4 u.i. twice a day now and my muscles are fuller, but I've got bad CTS in my left hand....need to cut back. I'll continue buying GODT as long as Matt makes it available. Shipping was fast as well.
Blood work confirms legitimacy of product.
This site was recommended to me by my coach, who is IBFF pro.
As expected.
Repeat customer. Always satisfied with the product. Arrives in a timely manner and effectiveness of product is confirmed by physical sensations from daily use as well as blood work.
Have always had a good experience with this company. Email response is timely and professional. Product is quality. Will continue to order from them.
My IGF1 was 317 ng/do when tested and I was running 4 in a day!
There are no red spots or anything. The only side effect I notice is the feel good tingly feeling you get.
This product has worked well with me since I’ve started. I’ve lost fat, likely visceral. I have improved energy but sleep amazing as well. My muscle has stayed with me through my caloric deficit.
Seems to have given both of us an added boost as far as muscle gain and libido bump. At 61 years old, it has been decades since my libido is as healthy as it is now.
The product seems to deliver as promised.
Neither my partner nor I have noticed any adverse side effects.
My partner and I have been very happy with the HGH we've purchased from GODT24. We've been using it for almost a year based on a recommendation from a friend who has been using for several years. I'm 61 y/o and my partner is 53. I strength train 5x/week and he's a crossfitter. The HGH has given both of us an added boost in muscle gain and libido.
The product is very good and customer support from GODT240 is great. They are always very responsive to email questions and shipping seems to go very smoothly.
Sides of HGH 100%
The igf-1 factor is amazing
Deep into a nice long Test E/Deca cycle and have made some great solid gains. Decided to skip the orals(dbol) that I had ready and run 5-6iu's Godtropin instead. 2-3iu's Morning / 2-3iu's Night. Let me tell you what, I could not be more pleased w/ that decision. 4-5 wks in I noticed I had started waking up at the same time every morning pretty much regardless of when I fell asleep. My sleep can get pretty off on cycle, even off cycle, so this benefit is always worth it alone tbh. Added the hgh in @ wk 4. I log my weight daily and tape some body areas every couple weeks or so. To be 13 weeks into a bulk cycle and making good solid gains , on a moderate caloric surplus and to start noticing an inch or two off your waist when your bulking because you're running hgh is pretty amazing to see first hand. Bought a couple kits, just bought a few more as those are almost gone. Plan to run 5-6iu's/ed for 6 months and see how much that helps with keeping these gains when I switch back to TRT protocol.
Quality is always there order after order, year after year. Can't beat the price at roughly $1/iu for quality hgh. First thing you'll notice is your sleep patterns/habits after 3-4 weeks are amazing. Muscles grow when we rest so great rest = improved gains + increased strength in the gym. Next you'll notice more muscle fullness and just overall better mood/mindset. Then you'll start to see week after week, month after month of amazing fat loss. Good hgh will just melt the fat right off of you "Like a blow torch to a stick of butter". Clean your diet up and results will be even better. At 5-6iu's/ed I experience no bad sides, even higher I didn't experience any.
At 5-6iu's/ED I experienced no sides. Even running it higher I had no bad sides. Remember with hgh what you're running this week, you'll feel working next week as far as sides go. So make adjustments accordingly. Good sides we're improved sleep patterns/quality of sleep. Better recovery from workouts, better muscle growth, better strength improvements, all of which can be attributed to better quality sleep/recovery. Noticeable fat loss week after week and more muscle fullness than usual. No pip, just get a box of 3/10 ml 31g insulin syringes and a bottle of real Bac Water from a pharmacy.
I'm currently deep into Test E/Deca Lean Bulk cycle and have had some amazing gains, still gaining. I decided to skip the orals this time and run Godtropin @ 5-6iu's/ed. Extremely pleased w/ this decision. Whether you've ran some good quality hgh before or you are new to hgh, Godtropin is as good quality wise as any other hgh I've ever ran. Have ordered from this source multiple times and will continue to place my hgh orders here as long as they are around. Quality is there, order process is straight forward and simple, t/a has always been quick (7-10 days from placing order). Reviews you'll read here are OP. At roughly $1/iu just go for it, you'll be glad you did.
If your big, love to bulk. And would like to stay big/make gains and still take a few inches off the waist, melt some fat off, get a more shredded look/strations. Grab a couple kits of Godtropin and run it 5-6iu's/ED. You can thank me later.
I do around 2-3 IU a day. It keeps me lean. My sleep is good (i'm old and don't sleep great but this helps me get around 7 hours with no problem falling asleep and sleeping deep.
I haven't run bloods on this batch but all signals point to good quality (sleep/lack of body fat/fullness). I'm running the 26 ius per vial, I order a ways back.
At my does of 2-3IU ED I have zero sides. I pumped it up to 2-3 IU twice a day and still had no sides.
Overall great. No complaints. VERY well priced, quick delivery, and a good product.
Good product, VERY WELL PRICED, quick delivery, I will continue doing business with GODT!
Been using this for some time now. I have added lean muscle mass and kept my bodyfat low just as hgh should do. I even had a minor bicep tear and I truly believe by using this GH it helped speed up its recovery. I do come off at times and notice that my hair and nail growth is slower. When on I get a haircut about every 3 weeks and when I do come off it's about every 6 weeks.
I have been a user for over 5 years. I don't think I need to say more. I keep coming back because of the results it gives me.
This GH works as it should like any other GH. Sore hands, some joint aches. Swelling as any real HGH will do.
I have been using the Godtropin GH for years now at 4iu daily. I truly believe in this product 100%. Fast discrete shipping and cannot tell the difference between these and phizer pens that I have used in the past. I have been getting older and its harder to stay lean and keep that lean muscle. With this GH I have been able to do.
10/10 would recommend purchasing godtropin. I will continue using this GH as it has done everything I expected them to do plus some!
My protocol has not changed. It's EOD and 3IUs per day. I stay pretty lean year round despite a diet full of sweets and ice cream.
I get the blue top version. Always vacuum sealed and comes in a discreet package.
The biggest side effect and it's a good one: great sleep. I used to sleep 5 hours per night. With this stuff, i get about 6-7 hours per night and a hour nap. No Pip. No swollen fingers.
I have been ordering Godtropin for a few years now. About to put in another 3 kits. It's the best bang for the buck out there. I have not experience other gh sources but if why change? It ain't broke don't fix it.
These guys are the best.
Good vacuumed. Without label
Numbness in the fingers at 8iu
Nothing more to add. Does what it has to.
10 iu i.m. 3 hours before blood test.
Scored at 37.
Will order again.
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Po niekoľkých týždňoch podávania dám recenziu účinku. A tiež výsledok krvného testu.
Áno dôverujem to.u produktu. Zatiaľ som nevidel negatívnu recenziu.
Podavam pár dní. Zatiaľ nemám.
Godtropin 240 - používam 2 tyzdne. Spím veľmi dobre. PIP žiadne. Davam 3.5 iu rano a 3.5iu poobede. Rýchlejšie rastu vlasy aj nechty. Akné žiadne. Pocit zatiaľ výborný. objednal som 5 balení Godtropin 240. Balíček prišiel po 13 dňoch. Doručenie a balenie bolo inkognito. Bez nálepiek. Ďakujem
Ďalšiu recenziu dám po 3 mesiacoch aj s krvným testom.
Komunikácia super. Dodanie super. Balenie super.
Weight loss has never been a goal of mine, but I am down five pounds in the last weeks, seems to be all belly fat loss, which is a positive. Haven't really noticed any other positive aspects, though I keep having to lower the dosage due to side effects.
Seems real due to side effects, to be honest I've been on blast so not sure what's doing what. I can only base this review off of the side effects.
Ok so here is where I can get to talking about what I know... I tried to bring the dosage up to 3 or more iu per day. Hands feel swollen, aches from my shoulders down through my hands. Couldn't tell if I injured my biceps and/or elbows at first but then realized it was this stuff doing it. Can't go over 2.5 iu without the terrible feeling in my arms and hands. Lower the dosage, side effects go away, go higher, they come back, no matter what else I'm taking or doing.
No pip. You can find my post in regards to this under hgh/peptides. Thought it was causing welts and pain and even an illness, tossed the first vial with the "reconstitution water" from Amazon and took a break. Came back to it with "bacteriostatic water" from the pharmacy and six vials later, absolutely no issues. My judgement; the product did not cause the problems.
First time using HGH so I have nothing to compare to, and unfortunately I live in a state with dumb laws so I can't just go get bloods.
So far so good. If I encounter any problems through the rest of this batch I will update the review. The source was prompt in responding to the issues I was having, shipping was timely and discreet. I ruled out the product as being the issue and will continue using until I finish all the vials. If I don't update with anything negative in a few months, then I'll make another purchase.