posted Sat, 07/17/2021 - 17:42
Genotropin GoQuick
HGH by Pfizer

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Ive had my HGH pen for about 9 months now and I cant believe how well its improved my physique. Even at 0.5iu ive leaned out significantly and gained lots of fullness.
Pfizer is my go 2! Love pfizer. Their caber also never fails.
The best sleep ever? Is that a "side effect?"
I have a prescription for this product. It works so, so, well. I use it at half an iu daily.
Hgh 100% adds that finishing touch to a lean physique .
Never had problems with fakes from my source.
Main sides are water retention based , carpel tunnel, numb hands feet etc if you take the dose too high,which you dont want to do !!! It goes away after one to two weeks. For me 12iu and above is when sides get bad vs 20iu generics so the pharma is slightly more potent .
Run these for a year at 4iu up to 12iu aday for short periods but mainly at 4iu. Love the clinical smell the product has which you can smell after injecting. Really easy to set up/ mix and use and is cooler than the 100iu 10iu kits but its like three times the price vs generics. Hgh is a very good compound for keeping lean and it just adds that few % finisher to your body that gives it more "pop" if that makes sense. Enhanced recovery and nicer skin are the main pros. For example I had dry skin/caluses on back of feet and on hgh I dont , my its perfect. Only downside is money and when you arent on it you can tell which means you want to run it all the time lol.
Hgh added to steroids will make everything better but try run it aslong as you can afford for best results. Even low dose is worth it and will make a difference especially if youre older aswell.
The effect is noticeable after the first injection in the form of intense dreams. After about 3 weeks, the skin's appearance will noticeably improve. Even your libido is positively influenced after a very short time. Unfortunately, water retention is to be expected from 1.5 to 2 iu. However, this problem goes away somewhat over time. The special thing about genotropin is that you rarely need more than 2 to 3iu a day to utilize the full potential of HGH. maybe I'm a good responder too.
no problems here if you are sure about your source
No PIP, no matter where you inject. 1.5 IU is a good orientation for anti agibg and well beeing and on this scale i did not notice any sides beside of a little bit water retention which gets better the longer you go.
If you can undoubtedly get real genotropin, it is and remains the best drug of choice
1,5 IU is enough for HRT and anti aging
2IU -3IU is changing the game more intense.
You decide which direction you want to go with your diet and calorie intake. 3 IU is enough for bulking or cutting. No matter how heavy you are.
Sadly i can not upload pictures... always get the same error. otherwise i would show you how 100% real genos look like. i bought mine in the pharmacy store.
J1873_PROMO_WHOREExtremely effective, quality, pure, pharma HGH. Burned quite a bit of abdominal fat and retained or gained muscle.
100%. Make sure to buy from a credible source, but when they are real they are real.
Expected HGH sides such as slight numbness, tingling, etc. No PIP.
Incredible HGH, amazing quality, extremely convenient but also tends to be extremely pricey. When you can get it, it's worth it. I did a 6 month HGH run, 4 months of it was with genotropin pens. It is extremely effective at burning fat and retaining muscle. It's amazing for anything but really is great in a cut.