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Watson Testosterone Enanthate....


Ok so my brother who is in the military came home for thanksgiving break and I found this in his room lol he's coming back for christmas. Idk where he got it from.. but I know he had to see his doctor because his Testosterone levels were pretty low from what I understand

BFG's picture

Too bad you're using your fake account to post this, haywardflaco.

Nextdaygear's picture

Thats fake watson, trust me I know, I have seen Watson in person and even sold the real ones at one point and this is fake, vial is not dark enough, top is the wrong color, colored parts of the ink is to light, vial is not fat, ink is blurred, where is the box? Real Watson the vial is short and fat.

Roid Noid's picture

Notsure im understanding this, any of this? what are you getting upset about?

Roid Noid's picture

If I posted a PIC and said I found it and was planning on using it id be pretty damn greatful that people pointed out the fact that it was fake, and yes I will leave it as it is good to have for future refference.

Nextdaygear's picture

Yeah just what I was thinking, I would not like members seeing this and thinking it was real then they stat pinning fake gear.

sweatnosejackso's picture

What up Nate?

sweatnosejackso's picture

Chillin bro!! Got my workout in this morning. Tore my back up shits still on fire...

sweatnosejackso's picture

This is what mine looks like. The ink on yours is blurred. The flip top is also darker blue than mine. Got mine from Walgreens.. Looks fake to me.. I will take some better pics of mine when I get to the house.

Carlos Danger's picture

Yep urs are what I got. Aint nobody know how to load pix from an iPhone? Gotta love 5$ co-pays! Only in America!!

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sweatnosejackso's picture

By the way this stuff is pure fire. It will make your chest and back look like it got hit with bird-shot...

sweatnosejackso's picture

Listen don't thank me and I ain't your brother. I remember you telling people and vouching that another person on here can get pharma grade Test. Name brand shit to be exact. Your changing story here makes no sense. My conclusion is your full of shit. Just calling it as I see it.

sweatnosejackso's picture

Empty with the cap on dude c'mon man. Or did you just place the cap on there. I am confused. Also the neck is to long on the vial I can go on and on ....

Nextdaygear's picture

lol yeah thats watson, he should tell his brother he got fake gear lol!

jsquito's picture

gotcha bro! well try harder lmao Smile

USPostal's picture

hahahaha I will try..

jsquito's picture

oh trust me bro i am ready lol, hey by the way that pic he posted of watson is that the stuff bro? bc it looks pretty good:)

USPostal's picture

I mean it could be.. Im not really sure the ones ive seen like around last thanksgiving had a light blue cap, but you know how these pharmaceutical companies are in the U.S. I have been trying to get Watson but it is hard to come across. I have been trying my but off!

Carlos Danger's picture

I'll tell u what cap looks like a lil bit later. Going to go pick mine up at Walgreens later this evening. Caps normally are light blue at least mine have always been light blue for the last 3yrs. Wish I could load pix from my phone:( Anyhow The service ain't gunna give any soldier bunk shit! It looks exactly like mine except for this blue cap is a lil bit darker than mine.

Edit: looks like there's already a consensus opinion but wanted to say my 10ml Watson I just got at walgreens has light blue cap and the bottle is alot darker and looks a lil bit chunkier. looks like the fellas chiming in know their shit n beat me to the punch!

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jsquito's picture

yo usp whats up my brother!! i will be hitting you up today my friend:)

USPostal's picture

Hello brother how are you doing? Sounds good to me whenever you are ready. Theres someone who gave me a review this morning and they are loving the gear =) Hope to hear from you soon.

USPostal's picture

That one does look odd...The only reason why I say this is because the cap color. lol you made a spelling error its suppose to be Cypionate. I mean I can agree with Frank it does look odd, but then again you said your brother received this from the military. Why would they give him a knock-off....

jsquito's picture

yo brother it looks pretty good to me , it actually kinda of looks like some other stuff i have seen on here i wanna get my hands on that shit lol nothing is better thatn phram grade candy!!!