cyco's picture
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Ok boys and girls recieved my package today,for the eroids challenge,just a starter kit,before i really get into it,lol

Commdiver25's picture

Right on bro, let me know how it's treating you in 10 days. Might have to get some from prop from USP to add to my next cycle.

Commdiver25's picture

Damn bro, do you have an IV set up over there or what? What are you up to now, about 5 g ew? Lol

USPostal's picture


USPostal's picture

Looking good looking good.... =)

erich4482's picture

I'm about 5 pins into USP's tren A at 75mg EOD and loving it. Felt like a beast today in the gym. Vascularity is already increasing

roidjunky79's picture

That's real good news since i'm looking into getting tren from this source. Keep us informed.

erich4482's picture

Sorry for the delay. Also taking optimal labs TE 500mg/wk and 40mg dbol/day. I'm through one bottle of TE and one bottle of USP's tren A. Just started the second bottle of each this week. Not holding much water at all, and sides aren't really bad either. Had a lot of sleepless nights but that's getting better...started taking melatonin last night. Taking about .5mg of liquid a-dex/day...just one sore lump by my left nipple that won't go away so far. BP is up quite a bit, no acne, only had one minimal night sweat and a little anxiety. Strength is wayyyy up in all areas. Will swtich to Big D prop 100 mg EOD and 50mg winny/day for the last 4 weeks...looking forward to the prop, as it will be my first time using it.