dothework29's picture
  • 79

+ 16 The beginning of my transition from power lifting to body building! Currently sitting at 242 lbs! (UPDATED ON MY RESULTS WITH CURRENT PICS)!


I am currently 242 lbs with a lot less fat than I used to have. Still got a long way to go but I'm working hard to get there. I'm used to being the super big guy that can throw weight around gym but now I'm trying to eventually be the guy that one day people will say man he is ripped. This is only 6 weeks into my transformation but I wanted to post pics now so it will help motivate me to show you guys more results in another 3 or 4 months. I'm holding a lot of water in this pic but as time goes on I'll cut my carbs way down and as much sodium as possible and try to get rid of water before I post next pic. Also yes I know I have a lil gyno that happened in teen years that wasn't gear related and hopefully one day I'll pay to have it removed. This transition to body building is tough changing up my diet and workout routine so I must say I have even more respect than ever for body builders and your dedication to what you do. I know it's early stages but I'll get there as long as I DO THE WORK!!! Have a blessed day everyone Smile

As you can see the new pics I have the yellow boxers on. I no it might not seem like much to some of you but to me it is a big improvement from how big I was when I was power lifting. My diet still not perfect but it is a lot cleaner than it was in my last pic and I have had the help of some good generic gh along the way. In the first pic with the blue boxers you can see how my muscles are not as rounded off and I have much more fat through my pec area than the yellow boxer pic. It is not as noticeable about how much fat I have lost probably because when someone that has 16% bf losses 2 % it's just not as apparent but when someone with 10% bf losses 2% everyone notices. I'm not flexing in the new pic but when I do I can actually see a lil abs poking out now so I can see the progress and it is motivation to one day meet my goal with my transition from power lifter to body builder. My progress right now is slow but steady and that is way we always hear is that it's not a race but it's a marathon. Have a great day everyone and do the work!

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shaun1's picture

Good improvement bro stayed dedicated and its paying off. Welcome up +

Owes a Review × 2
dothework29's picture

Thanks buddy I'm even leaner now than I was then. It's a slow transformation but I'm getting there slow and steady Smile

DBG's picture

Very good ++

dothework29's picture

Thanks bud

dothework29's picture

Oh yeah forgot to say that from the first pic at 242 lbs I am now down to 228 lbs.

dothework29's picture

Thanks buddy I'll keep that in mind

oldirty's picture

Welcome back

DeadlyCrooc's picture

Keep work bro +1

dothework29's picture


rabbitman's picture

looking good bro keep hammering!!!!!! +1

dothework29's picture


Ronburgundy's picture

Looking good bro! Your gyno may not even be noticeable when u diet all the way down. From the pic,it looks primarily like fat accumulation--i wouldnt have guessed gyno

dothework29's picture

Thanks a bunch Ron! That actually makes me a lil less self conscious about the touch of gyno.

stairmaster's picture

keep it going mate +1 for your ambition!

dothework29's picture

Can't +1 until you have 50 karma but thanks anyway

stairmaster's picture

+1 upvote for your pic. also possible under 50 karma

dothework29's picture

It will add a number to the thumbs up but not to my karma until you reach 50 karma yourself. Thanks though buddy

sami1980's picture

Just do no carbs no fats diet 4 weeks

Owes a Review × 1
Livelife76's picture

Sound like you're motivated and ready brotha keep that focus! SuperMax got you covered below n I'm 12 days out from surgery myself bro I can't fucking wait! It does come with a price tag but it'll be worth it man!

+1 Keep It going Brother you'll get there no doubt

dothework29's picture

Thanks livelife76. I am happy for you buddy and exciting to see your results after surgery. How much dose your surgery cost?

Livelife76's picture

6k, all my taxes and lots of overtime hours. Price varies ALOT depending on where ou are n what Dr you choose.

dothework29's picture

Wow! Hopefully I can get it done cheaper. Lol. Really worth it in the end though because mine makes me self conscious to even go to the pool or beach because of having to take my shirt off. I have like 4 grand put back but it is for vacation and my wife would kill me if I used it for surgery. I guess I better start a secret fund ;)

SuperMax's picture

You can get in done for as low as $4500
But you will need to diet down to 10%bf
If you are above they will want to do liposuction too. Cheaper to just get the gland Filleted

dothework29's picture

K great to know. I'll keep that in mind. Also I been looking at the carb cycling site you gave me and I think im going to start that first thing tomorrow so thanks again Smile

SuperMax's picture

NBD brotato, keep us posted

SuperMax's picture

Plus 2 keep it up!!
Try this site to help get you in the right mind frame for meal portions in macro terms, it'll get you shredded!!
Check out this new routine Pmob posted
& hit me up in PM if you have any questions about the surgery

dothework29's picture

Thanks buddy your awesome! I will definitely check that out need all the help I can get.