Jackson69's picture
  • 19

-2 Testosterone over 10,000 ng/dl


300 mgs test E once a week
Labs were done 4 weeks into cycle
Doctor said I’m well over 10,000 but the analysis
Was capped at 10k My dosages aren’t even that crazy
Why did my levels shoot up so high so fast
Yes I did donate blood right after I got these results
Keep in mind the lipid panel was done before I got my testosterone results and no my doctor did not check my estrogen levels I’m not 100% shure why but when he got my test results back he knew I was on something and ordered me to come off immediately and I asked him if I could get my estrogen levels and he just said I don’t need them and what I need to do is to come off completely and basically just hung up on me

Ordered from: 
GrowMore's picture

What’s up with members posting photos up of Rusty? That’s fucked up.

Rusty will probably be the first to say he deserves the banter he gets because he’s a cunt but posting his photos without his consent is odd and doesn’t sit well with me.

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Hamm's's picture


Halsey's picture

I get in trouble when I hit the old lady's bh. Hell if I know why???

Halsey's picture

Yes it is! Lol

GrowMore's picture

I’ve read what he’s written and see how he conducts himself on here and I have my own opinions which I’ll keep to myself but using someone’s photos which they’ve uploaded on to this site sets a standard I wouldn’t want to see continue. I haven’t seen him upload photos of other members but if I had I would say the same to him, tit for tat is childish especially on a steroid website of all places.

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Jackson69's picture

It wouldn’t be fucked up if he was shredded but what it’s fucked up cause he’s fat? He’s been shit talking it’s time he got exposed

Bjmoney85's picture

I have a hard time believing that’s rusty!

press1's picture

He's a pure and utter Fantasist pal who continually stalks around the site looking for people he thinks he can get away with picking on.

Then when you see what you are dealing with it becomes Hilarious ....

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Jackson69's picture

Nobody was trying to get freebies lol now ur full of shit I have no problem paying for gear it’s not even expensive ....... unless ur paying for it with ur monthly disability check

eighty7's picture

He posted this to get freebies? No but if you know something like that show it to a Mod because that would be against the rules.

Jackson69's picture

Not once did I ask for freebies no need it’s not even expensive lol

eighty7's picture

Obviously I know. I want Rusty to show a mod his "proof" of which he has none because he's making things up.

Jackson69's picture

He shouldn’t have talked shit especially when he looks like that simple as that

Jackson69's picture

You really think I give a fuck about social credibility especially from fat fucks like rusty

Halsey's picture

I hate this shit too. The pic is in really poor taste, regardless who it is.

Jackson69's picture

Okay what the fuck as soon as I start talking shit back you get but hurt lol you and rusty can both bash me all you want tho yeah naw eat a dick

Bjmoney85's picture

Yea the pic was just way to far!

Sosa123's picture

I agree with you on the photo recently added, Jack you should remove the post of who ever that is... because its not you n its technically not a "self shot" ....

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Bjmoney85's picture

Bro is this the picture of you foreal?

Jackson69's picture

Naw that’s what 30+ years of experience right there I wish it were me but unfortunately it ain’t that’s good ole RUSTYHOOKER

Halsey's picture

-1, you've lost sight of your bigger problem. Guys on here are exposed to trolls, assholes and liars constantly. They are not bad people, but typically are looking out for the eroids community as a whole. So when something sounds and looks like a duck, It's usually a duck. From what I'm seeing right now your are an asshole.

Halsey's picture

Dude I read most of the comments, I'm aware what goes on. I understand what your saying, I just dont like to see this type of shit on here.

eighty7's picture

He needs to go get tested somewhere else and that will end this.

Jackson69's picture

But yet you join in on it making smart remarks too

Jackson69's picture

And for the most part he basically ruined this whole eroids experience for me and I mean I should of know that hoping online to talk about gear and sources was gonna be bad because u never know who’s on the other end of the computer it could be a fat fuck claiming he’s competed and been on stage and that’s exactly what it was

Jackson69's picture

Litteraly he’s the troll lol I’ve explained all that I could what else can I do and he’s Litteraly been bashin me the whole time accusing me of lien and posting fake labs this is the paper work I received from my doctor I’m telling it like it is but you all seem to dick ride eachother fucken faggots and u can keep neggin me wtf is that gonna do so go and ride ur buddy’s dick hoe

Halsey's picture

Be the bigger man! Get your blood tested from a new draw/vial at a different lab. Then we can move on. Call me whatever you need kiddo, I'm just being real with you.

Jackson69's picture

That’s been the plan lol but ur buddy decided it be the right thing to call me a bogus and full of shit

I got a phone appointment tommorow with a new doc

Halsey's picture

Just follow through with the labs. Lose the hate, your never going to agree or mesh with everyone. Keep your composure! If you are legit, it will come out and guys here will help you.

Jackson69's picture

I agree and maybe you can also show me how to pin to make shure I don’t inject it straight into my vein right?
You talk about trolls but literally your the one who trolled me earlier as well and now that ur buddy got exposed for bein fat ur tryna reason with me lol goes to show

Okay that was the last one I’m done now

Halsey's picture

I never trolled you. I was just trying to somehow rationalize how your shit could be that high. Your liver enzymes are low, that made me wonder too, along with your glucose too. Several odd things going on. I was pretty out when you kept repeating that it was tested twice. Everybody was telling you to get another draw and an independent lab. Not to test the same blood twice. Also, I barely know rusty. I do have friends on here that I would defend alot hard than this!

Jackson69's picture

Fuck it I’ll be back in a couple days to post the new labs

Halsey's picture

Sounds good.