posted Fri, 11/15/2024 - 08:21
+ 1 TD pics From Steroidify
TD pics from Steroidify
Came in just 2 weeks for international postage
Good stealth
Gonna add 50mg a week of tren to 350mg - 400mg a week of this test mix see how we go. Tren plays with my head :-)
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I can verify even 50mg per week of tren works but I still got the sides so bowed out.
Worth a try pal if I still get the sides mentally it’ll go in the bin --
exactly it's all we can do, I was able to do the hex version with zero sides.
Hopefully this should be ok and put on abit of a bulk for Xmas
Yea bro be careful with the tren as for the test mix you'll like that i got that from steroidify and was doing 1cc mon and 1 cc Thurs and it worked great for me good luck on your cycle mate
I tried running a tren cycle a while go but it was a slow ester at 200mg a nightmare waiting for it to get out of my system so I’ve got acetate gonna jump on at around 50mg a week see if it’s any better. Thanks bro
Your welcome bro from what I heard tren ace is the better way to go fast acting you don't have tondo as much but unlike the tren E it's much faster out of your system. If it was me brother I'd do what your doing start low see how you'd feel and if you think you can go up you can always add you can never subtract and I've used that Ultima mix twice got great results like I was telling u 250 mg 2×a week it's my favorite test to run plus ur adding test ace prepare to get shredded and strong as shiZnit.good luck let me know how it goes mate.
Will do bro il put a review on after. Thanks for the input it will be used pal
Nice gear