MilKmAn's picture
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+ 1 Still Natural


heres my pics about ~3/4 months ago.

still itching to pin and pop my gear but i feel like i'm still making some progress naturally. hoping this year i will have my first cycle!

Muscle Freak's picture

Damn brother, you have put in some work! It takes a lot of balls to do that natural+1

mistaspinn's picture

Good progress bruv! Respect! Ive also been doing it 'natural'. No roids whatsoever. Not even creatine or a protein shake ever! Just hard work and food. Will be posting my pics later on today. But seriously considering a cycle or 4 in the near future.

animal69's picture

"a cycle or 4" Thats some funny shit!!

animal69's picture

Nice bro, How long have you been hitting the weights?

animal69's picture

Me to man i hadnt touched any weights until Jan 19 2010 and i met an amatuer BB in rehab an been at it hard as hell since. Thats some great development for 2yrs.

N1co99's picture

You look good brah (no homo)

jimboe85's picture

Questionbro...why u on eroids?

subs33's picture

One more thing. I tried giving points cause you earned them in my opinion but the site is not allowing me to. I will try again..

subs33's picture

Genetics does help alot with a persons ability to gain muscle or lose fat as well as diet and exercize. Its nothing to cause a debat about though. Good job on your progress wether it be genetics, gear, or training or nothing at all. What ever your doin its working. If your goin the natural route, maybe you might want to go to another forum cause this is mainly a AAS forum. And no im not hating, cause I was blessed with genetics. I started my first cycle when I plateued at 182 lbs 12 % BF
5'6.5". Im weighin only ten lbs heaver as of this day due to AAS. My father was a natural bodybuilder who placed 2nd and 3rd in two local competitions back in the 80's against others on aas. I agree a person can go far in this game naturaly, but only as far as his natural testosterone levels will alow. The only thing Im confused about is the fact that you have ordered succesfully through several src's on this site within the past months. Were they for a friend. Ima little baffeled... Here is a review you posted " read a bunch of great reviews for their puregear d-bol. bought 200 pack along with 400 var. both complete bunk. i would take up 100mg of var and 60mg of dbol a day and nothing. just for kicks i started taking 100mg of dbol and still nothing. never ordering from them again 2011-09-01 16:09 " You are 20 years old and your taking chances with your health like this and have the balls to post pics braging about "still natural". It just makes me question your integrity and creditability to post pics claiming "still natural"

subs33's picture

Hey bro, I highly highly respect how you handled your reply to my comments. Your comment shows your maturity. We had a 19 year old member here about a week ago post pics about being natural and his post were really immature and ignorant.Also he had post on another forum braging about all the gear he did. Well he got called out and he was banned. Im glad you handled my comment the way you did it shows us that when you do decide to due a cycle you will follow the vets around heres advice. I will be honest when I was 19 I experimented with d-ball however my cycle was stopped only 10 days in, cause my pops found my pills. I gained like 7lbs in that time. It probably was for the best cause I was young and knew nothing about pct. You are doing great with you bodybuiding and I bet you if you keep at it you will be able to work in the fitness field, wether its modeling or the IFBB ECT..If I had a chance to be your age again I would have avoided alot of the pitfalls in life. So, remember if ya get witha chick dont let her control you with pussy and tell you no more gym or dont fall deep into drugs and keep positive. Keep at it young blood, you will be at the top in this sport. Just keep positive and do the right thing. I wish I did....Learn by my mistakes...peace

Wreck_12's picture

This kid seems to be confused as to what a cycle consist of, needless to say his gains are good, but I don't agree with using drugs at such a young age. Impressive natural gains can be made with a consistant diet and progressive training. Hit the weights and eat some steaks mentality will take u alot farther than drugs alone! Good luck dude

subs33's picture

Agreed!!!Ya, I fiqured that out when I was your age 13 years ago. I only wish I followed through with it up until know. My props goes out to anybody who can stay consistant on diet and training for 15 years straight. Lord nows I couldnt at age 36 I seen lots of life changes like struggle with paying the morgage, divorce, custody battles, bad habbits, jail time, women problems the list goes on. I dont doubt the kid is natural by no means. I really could give a fuck less. What does concern me is is ignorance. Why does it concern me? cause it could jepordize a good website.

subs33's picture

The only reason why I got abit disturbed by your review is because your setting an example for other young aas users. What If somone only 1 year younger or the same age or anyone were to read that review and decided thier orals were bunk also, due to poor diet or cause they are being young and stupid and or drinkin alchol and doin what 19 year olds do any reason. They see someone post a review like that then next thing ya know thier doin the same thing with what ever oral steroid or whatever the case maybe. Then next thing is liver failure, then lawsuits, then parent gettin outraged and investagations occuring. Then My favorite forum (eroids) get fucked with cause cause some ignorant youngman decided he was goin to take handfulls of orals and be a typical 19 yearold cause he read your review. Think Bro before you post stupid shit like that. Just for kiks you decided you were goin to take 100mg of something that you claim you know is fake. What the fuk!!!! Im not even goin to bring up your other post here. Damit man.

ricu's picture

Its not genetics. Its called working out and eating right. If you guys didnt look like even close to this, when you started juicing, you didnt need the drugs. And there is no maximun potential, which can be accuired naturally. Its in your mind.

Fullypumped's picture

It's not genetics? Why don't you tell Ronnie that... Why don't you tell all the Hard Gainers out there man... Yes it's hard work and determination that gets you some where but it all boils down to Genetics...

Theshadow001's picture

genetics are mildly overrated in this world.. have you seen markus ruhl before he was working out or evan centopani or even dorian yates or dexter jackson? markus wasnt only skinny but skinny fat and now hes 300 plus dexter looked like an ethiopian and evan was obese.. Genetics dont weigh in at all as much as ethics. jusy my .02

Fullypumped's picture

Lol damn you have been Blessed with Genetics Bro.

inzer777's picture

Very good base brother. You are very symetrical. Age? Stats? Your gonna beast mode when you do pin

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