MASSIVE48's picture
  • 301



Well bros this is me, not much but kicking more ass in the gym and kitchen day by day... Lets hear the critism that i love so much.;)
By the way im havin trouble finding my bodyfat% guys so maybe this pic will make u guys give a good guess.. Appreciate it thnx.:)

Bodyfat i think is 23% but lets see what u guys think i honestly dont
Thats a promise.

Need help on figuring out my BodyFat%!
Height: 6'4
Weight: 250ish or 260ish dont know.


Nitti's picture

+3 for staying Natty and sticking around here soaking it up. You're a smart young fella! Not too many of those in your generation! If u like the supps people are suggesting then go for it I guess. But my advice would be all you need is weights and food man! The best cutter in the world is a clean diet! But you already knew that ;-)
Stay away from the stimulants right now man

MASSIVE48's picture

Thanks nitti appreciate that alot!:)... I totally understand already no diet no results plain and simple.

MASSIVE48's picture

Lol hahaha thnx bro i totally am just stay tune.;) lol.. And yes im a big

mjunkie's picture

BF isn't so bad bro, u can get abs in less then 6 weeks with some hard work and dieting IMO, and after that its time to turn u into a beast!

MASSIVE48's picture

Hell yea thats my plan... Thnks bro!:)

MASSIVE48's picture

LOL!! Honestly bin bulking starting in march ima Lean the fuck out for sure.
Cardio for bulking i usually do it just 3xs a week like 30-45 minutes a day of the stairmaster.. These past holidays fucked me hard so i was eating like shit. LOL!!!..but its back to brown rice,sweet potatoes,and veggies.:)

lmntRC's picture

Got some very good size bro.. you're definitely building a solid base for your first run! I think it's awesome that you're holding off.. most people don't have the discipline or patience to do it the right way. That says a lot about your character. As for bodyfat, I'm certainly no expert, but going by some of these "picture-charts" I've seen, I'd say right around 20%. Keep liftin hard & eating hard (& clean!). Good job.

MASSIVE48's picture

Thanks for the kind words bro!!:)

Darktide's picture

I respect you for staying natty and thinking of the long term. With that kind of intelligence you can go far. I look forward to your summer pics! You can easily drop that BF with the right nutrition/training.

MASSIVE48's picture

Hell yeah bro stay tune cuz ima rock this bitch! x)... This shits getting me pumped to hit the gym again today damit! lol

UncleYoked's picture

Guys can laugh at me if they want, but I dedicate 1 day a week to circuit training. I hit a little bit of everything with high reps that keep my heart rate up and my muscles pumped. Basically a total body blast. I train for strength more than anythng, but also want to look good with my shirt off so it's important that I keep the flab to a minimum. Cardio is so boring, it's nice to throw something else into the mix to burn fat.

MASSIVE48's picture

The critism honestly doesnt bother me at all it keeps me motivated which i LOVE.;) Nice tip yoked good shit! Thnx!:)

UncleYoked's picture

I love constructive criticism. But some dudes are just jealous assholes and think they know it all. How tall are you?

MASSIVE48's picture

Im 6'4 bro! Lol

UncleYoked's picture

That's pretty tall, but you can still put on some serious muscle. But if you ever hear me refer to my gorilla friend, picture a guy 6'5 275 at around 15% bf. Only guy I know who can bench 500+ and dunk a basketball two handed jumping straight up off both feet. Holy hell he's goofy though.

MASSIVE48's picture

Lol i gotta see this guy! Lol

MAC's picture

Hey man much respect for posting a pic +1
Ya sure, u ain't shredded and insanely swole, but your trying hard and you don't look bad bro u have good size and ur not a fat shit. Ur training hard and eating right, and that's what this is all about. I'm not no "Arnold" either bro. I'm really lean and hard to put on weight, I have pics from last year I'm bigger now tho. If that is you natty then bro ur gonna look incredible when u start a cycle! U already have the discipline that's needed so u should have no problem. I wish more guys would post self shots because it motivates us all and we can all see each others true physique instead of just saying your huge and can bench 350 lol. Good job bro

MASSIVE48's picture

Yea bro im barely 21 still natty so i think i have ALOT of awsome gains i can make so that just motivates me more n more...Appreciate the kind words bro thnx!:)

Thor's picture

your pc works now fucker lol

MASSIVE48's picture

LOL!! Thnks alot for postin it brotha!! x)

fast48's picture

You'll cut fast. Bust hard for summer....boom!

MASSIVE48's picture

Oh yeah For sure bro.. thanks! Smile