Wheetees's picture
  • 61

+ 11 Somastim HGH 4iu IGF test


Hey guys, got my igf tested after 1 month at 4iu a day. Unfortunately I do not have a baseline. I feel like it's pretty good. A little lower than others with same lab. But I'm satisfied. What you guys think?

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Wheetees's picture

I have no idea I have looked at what it generally is for my age and the scale goes from 50-400. Average being around 150/200 or so. I don't have a baseline test unfortunately

Pmob's picture

Don't forget to review and vote +3

In a promo × 1
Wheetees's picture

Always. Will do when done. Thanks bro.

Wheetees's picture

Thanks bro.

Makwa's picture

I'd be pretty happy with those numbers.

Wheetees's picture

Your running the same makwa if I remember. Thanks.

Makwa's picture

That is what I am using now along with his IGF.

TrenAllDay's picture

I think that's a good number! +1 for bloods

Wheetees's picture

Thanks bro

JL's picture

Nice.. +. How many hours after pin were bloods pulled?

Wheetees's picture

2.5 hours after pin

wildwill3cc's picture

Thanks for testing
Dont forget to review and vote +1

Wheetees's picture

Thanks bro will do.

HailRazor's picture


Wheetees's picture

Thanks bro. Excited to retest at 6iu on cycle here in another month or so. See what the diff will be.

Sciroxx's picture

Bro - u run it with IGF1 ?

Wheetees's picture

No I wanted to test the HGH on its own. Then will retest with igf aswell.

Sciroxx's picture

Makes perfectly sense bro, the results are precisely within the range I expected them to be

Wheetees's picture

Good to hear gonna get in on this current promo and then retest at 6iu with igf lr3 should be interesting.

bigchips27's picture

I been using somas for awhile. Never got tested. But very pleased. I'd be happy with those numbers. +1

Wheetees's picture

Thanks bro. What dosage and protocol you running?

bigchips27's picture

Same 4iu daily. Once daily in the a.m

I've toyed around with other doses and splits.
I'm happy with this routine