cd1's picture
  • 437

+ 3 Silver Back


Looks like training traps twice a week is working, let's hope to keep some gains during this pct

Ordered from: 
Colossus_fit's picture

huge back brother

cd1's picture

Respect fella and much appreciated

kulihracovi's picture

It does not look bad! CD1 keep it up, friend :-) +1

cd1's picture

Cheers fella appreciate it

Theophany's picture

Looking great brother! Even with the shirt on your impressive development is shining through! Thick and most prominent upper and lower trap development in conjunction with your wide, flaring lats! Exemplary work! +2 for your stoic work ethic resulting in a boulderesque back! Much respect!

cd1's picture

Cheers fella those comments have made my day

mally72's picture

awesome mate!

cd1's picture

Cheers Mally I appreciate it

johnnyoldboy's picture

From your profile pic it looks like you should see a doctor cause your back is clearly growing another back next to it.

As for the traps, share the wealth, mate...what's the GENERAL routine for the two trap sessions? Do you usually do traps with back, shoulders, or by themselves?

cd1's picture

Back day....I do rear shrugs on the smith machine at 4 sets of a reasonable weight so that 20 reps on each set can be reached.
I also add in a few high level reverse cable cross overs to pinch the rear delts

Shoulder day...all.required exercises plus rear delts again..shrugs are seated dumbbell as this way your very isolated and can't have any bounce and it's just a simple shrug upwards also add in front barbell shrugs with a comfortable weight..
I also find shrugs are better done with a comfortable weight and controlled movement in high reps rather than stacking the barbell and bouncing up your knees to try and get a shrug out.....I'm sure you must have seen this...
Don't forget to add the rear delts into shoulder workouts as I find quite a few people seem to forget about the rear delts.

johnnyoldboy's picture

100% agreed! I think the more isolated, higher reps are more effective than going as heavy as possible and using body momentum to get the reps up. As for rear delts....never ever miss them. far as I'm concerned they're some of the best looking part of the back.

Cheers brother, appreciate the share and keep it up mate!

syringesinner's picture

looks like you have left the coat hanger in your jumper bruv

cd1's picture
