posted Sat, 01/25/2025 - 04:37
+ 2 Promo TD from OS Gear
Pre-workout goodies from OS Gear promo
6X Ultima TNE/Anadrol (70 mg/30 mg)
50 X 25 mg D-bol which was a free gift on top of the free promo gear. What more can you ask for??
2 week international TA to US East Coast. Would’ve been quicker if not for the freak snow storm.
Full review to follow in the next 2 weeks or so since this is all extremely fast acting pre-workout gear and not meant for a cycle.
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Great touchdown! Enjoy the products!
Thanks again for the excellent service! I pinned 1 ml of the TNE/Anadrol blend PWO this morning and it definitely didn’t disappoint!
Never ran no ester how does it feel injection wise ? Nice stock up !
TNE by itself is smooth and never caused me any PIP. Injectable Anadrol by itself has a pretty nasty bite (at least for me) for a day or two post injection. Blended together I don’t have any PIP…basically Anadrol inject by itself is the only one that’s gonna bite back. At least based on my experience.