Aztmtnman's picture
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Pre Cycle/ Std TRT Bloodwork


Hey guys, I got these done a couple weeks ago before I started my cycle and have a couple questions if anyone can help me out. I've been on TRT for about a year @ 200mg wk...

The two things I'm a little concerned with is my T4 and HDL. I just started 800mg wk test e/cyp combo and 400 mg tren e wk. Will that impact my already low T4 level? My TSH/T3 is right in range so it's odd my T4 would be so low. Should I consider adding some T4 to my cycle or just wait for my next round of BW in a month or so and see where it's at? I get pretty fatigued by the end of the day but it's been that way since my mid 20's. TRT helped quite a bit but I still don't have the energy level I had 4-5 yrs ago so I'm not sure if that maybe has something to do with the low T4...

Regarding the HDL, I don't know why that's low, my diet is immaculate, training/exercise/cardio regiment is solid and has been for a long time. I know that AAS can throw your lipids out of whack , so is that something I should be concerned with?

I'm supplementing with Pregnenolone and DHEA since they were low on a previous test, which is why those #'s are elevated, I cut the dose in half since getting the results so those should go back down to mid-normal instead of high-normal. Thanks for taking a look at it guys, appreciate your help.

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shiva4's picture

edit out the location, dude.

Aztmtnman's picture

Sorry, fixed now. Thanks bro.

juiceball8082's picture

Tren can mess up lipids and I believe effects thyroid as well. If your on legit trt your doc should be able to address your thyroid issue. Don't try self diagnosing.

Aztmtnman's picture

She didn't seem very concerned about it when we reviewed the labs, she said if it was still low on the next set of labs we would address it then, even though that's 5 mo's from now. I guess I'll just wait a few more wks and check it again when I do my own mid cycle labs. Thanks for your input bro.

juiceball8082's picture

Yeah wait for the doc.
Are you running any cycle support for lipids?
Fish oil, niacin etc?

Aztmtnman's picture

Yes to the fish oil, but no on the niacin, although I'm certainly open to adding it. I'm eating an exsorbent amount of natural peanut butter, a jar about every three days. I do a lot of mtn biking/trail running on top of being in the gym, which I know will decrease my gains from the calorie requirements, but I've been in excellent cardiovascular condition for quite a while and I'm attempting to maintain some of that during my cycle. Do you feel like that's sufficient or should add the niacin/milk thistle etc?

juiceball8082's picture

Niacin with flushing effect turns bad cholesterol values into good.